View Full Version : BBCode Help! sketchfab

03-23-2017, 04:45 PM
Hello i have been trying to get this BBcode to work. It allows you to embed Sketchfab 3d models in your posts .

here is a link to the code somebody has made one but i just cant seem to get it to work . the instructions was not that clear to me . Could somebody make it into a product that makes clearer for newbies like me lol


Here is the skecthfab website . (https://sketchfab.com/)


12-11-2017, 11:21 PM
I can confirm this works perfectly with Vb 4.2.5 and the install instructions are concise so I fail to see how there is an issue installing the plugin. Just follow the steps step by step. I'm sure you'll figure it out because if I can do it then surely anyone can :) Good luck

12-12-2017, 05:47 PM
for me....the plugin is what broke it....and didnt even seem needed?

disable the plugin part and see if it works....

ive also noticed for some reason it wants to put 2 buttons? one next to the video button as prescribed, but then i see another in the additional codes so seems like some redundant code yeah?