Tommy Boy
11-17-2001, 02:13 AM
I'm using my own register.php script for registration.
It inserts the right data into the USER table in the vBulletin database.
My problem is that users entered that way do not show in the members list page.
I found all my users in the "Awaiting Email Confirmation" group.
How do I bypass this stage, since I already confirm their email in my script?
This is the query I'm using:
$query = "INSERT INTO user (userid, username, password, email, parentemail, coppauser, homepage, icq, aim, yahoo, ";
$query .= "signature, adminemail, showemail, invisible, usertitle, joindate, cookieuser, daysprune, lastvisit, ";
$query .= "lastactivity, usergroupid, timezoneoffset, emailnotification, receivepm, emailonpm, options, birthday, ";
$query .= "maxposts, startofweek, ipaddress, pmpopup, referrerid, nosessionhash, avatarid) ";
$query .= "VALUES ($userid, '$username', '" . md5 ($password) . "', '$email', '', 0, '', '', '', '', ";
$query .= "'', 1, 0, 0, '', '" . time () . "', 1, -1, '" . time () . "', ";
$query .= "'" . time () . "', 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 15, 0, ";
$query .= "-1, 1, '$ip', 1, 0, 1, 0) ";Thanks for your help.
(Originally posted here (
It inserts the right data into the USER table in the vBulletin database.
My problem is that users entered that way do not show in the members list page.
I found all my users in the "Awaiting Email Confirmation" group.
How do I bypass this stage, since I already confirm their email in my script?
This is the query I'm using:
$query = "INSERT INTO user (userid, username, password, email, parentemail, coppauser, homepage, icq, aim, yahoo, ";
$query .= "signature, adminemail, showemail, invisible, usertitle, joindate, cookieuser, daysprune, lastvisit, ";
$query .= "lastactivity, usergroupid, timezoneoffset, emailnotification, receivepm, emailonpm, options, birthday, ";
$query .= "maxposts, startofweek, ipaddress, pmpopup, referrerid, nosessionhash, avatarid) ";
$query .= "VALUES ($userid, '$username', '" . md5 ($password) . "', '$email', '', 0, '', '', '', '', ";
$query .= "'', 1, 0, 0, '', '" . time () . "', 1, -1, '" . time () . "', ";
$query .= "'" . time () . "', 3, 0, 0, 1, 0, 15, 0, ";
$query .= "-1, 1, '$ip', 1, 0, 1, 0) ";Thanks for your help.
(Originally posted here (