View Full Version : quick reply field

01-26-2017, 11:07 PM
in my quick reply field for imputing text i have a black background but when i click on it it turns white and my text is so light i can barely see it where in the style vars can i change this and what is this field called

thanks in advance

oh ya i am running 4.2.2

01-27-2017, 12:10 AM
In your Style Variable Editor" you will find a section labeled "Editor" and to control the color of the text in the editor, edit the variable "editor"text_color". :)

01-27-2017, 11:29 PM
In your Style Variable Editor" you will find a section labeled "Editor" and to control the color of the text in the editor, edit the variable "editor"text_color". :)

thanks that did the trick

one more question on the editor when i go and click on changing the font color i get bb code how do i fix this

01-28-2017, 12:09 AM
thanks that did the trick

one more question on the editor when i go and click on changing the font color i get bb code how do i fix this

If you want to see things like that in the editor, rather than just in your submitted post, you need to use the "WYSIWYG" mode editor...click the button at the upper left of our toolbar. It should turn from blue to white. :)