View Full Version : php + html formular

01-25-2017, 07:30 PM

i want to create a form written in html but use functions written in php so i have no chance to use the php or static html module because they have no unique id's.

is there a possibility to get a form which is written in html but is able to use php variables?

sorry for my bad english. :/

01-27-2017, 01:31 PM
Any module in vB5 has unique ID which is based on thw widget instance id. The format is widget_<widgetinstanceid>

But why do you require id?

01-27-2017, 06:36 PM
Hm i thought its better to use the id's to communicate between the modules.

Is it possible to write the html form in the php module, because i get everytime i try some errors? :/
And one more question, is it possible to add settings through the php module or do i have to create a mod to use the settings?

01-30-2017, 03:40 PM
Can you post the PHP script you added in the PHP module?