View Full Version : time related banning

11-15-2001, 08:31 AM
I am looking for a time related banning system. I would like to be able to ban user for a specific number of days, they then become unbanned once that period is up. I feel this may be a good way to punish those who break the rules.

Also, I would like it so that they can veiw the forums, but can not post or reply. If they try, the system tells them that they are banned and the exact time at which they would be able to post again.

I hope this is possible, if so - can someone make this hack? I think it could be very usefull to many vBulletin admins.


11-15-2001, 01:56 PM
Well, I can tell you of a way i can think of-

Add a column 'banexpire' with the current timestamp + number of hours you specified * 3600
then run a cron job that will check if the banexpire field contains a timestamp that is smaller than the current timestamp and if so, edit the usergroupid back to normal user group

hope this helps