View Full Version : Spam Recorder?

11-14-2001, 03:38 AM
Just an idea which would greatly help most of us, would help me heaps at least :)

If an Admin (or Moderator, whatever settings you choose) sees a Spam post, they can simply hit a link next to the link saying 'Report this Post', the link will be something like 'Record a Spam Incident'.

What this does, is registers somewhere in the vB database/system/whatever (I don't know about the technical bits of it all :p) that this person has made a Spam post.

When this has been performed three times to a member, that member is automatically banned from the vB.

Is this possible?

If that's a relatively easy thing to do, then perhaps some other stuff could be added for security - like there has to be at least two different admins who report the same person before they're banned, to prevent bias and other unfairness.

11-14-2001, 09:40 AM
I must say this is a great idea.
Very good to take some load of the admins / mods in banning people.

I'll keep this in mind, although I can't promise anything. :)

Reeve of shinra
11-14-2001, 12:38 PM
Make them suffer, have it bump them to another user group with a longer timer between posts (bwah ha ha ha ha).

11-14-2001, 08:51 PM
The ease of use would be amazing, our boards (forums.gamer.net.nz) currently get Spammed majorly, and there's pretty much nothing we can do to stop it other than delete Spam posts.

An addition to this Spam Recorder could be that under a user's Avatar, it has:
Strike I

Then, after they've had two spam incidents against their name,
Strike II

Then of course,
Strike III

And they're banned on Strike III, but when people are banned their posts still stay on the Forum, right?
So that people can see what not to do on the Forum.

PS - FireFly, I believe you're responsible for ironing out some major bugs on our test forums (with Apollo), thanks heaps!

12-26-2001, 08:40 AM
Another thing I just thought of for the Spam Recorder - being able to set the powers each moderator has. Like have a specific list which you must manually type in the names of each User you want to be able to record spam.

So an admin, only has to report once, and the spammer gets a Strike against their name. But a Strike by moderators can only be done if three different moderators click a 'Record a Spam Incident'. And the moderators can only Record an incident in the Forum which they personally are a moderator of.

Hopefully that's not too much to ask!

12-26-2001, 02:03 PM
I'm on it. :)
The first version might be done today. :)

12-28-2001, 02:45 AM
Awesome, thanks Konqueror!

I'm glad to see that my dream is one step closer to coming true ;)

12-28-2001, 08:41 AM
Sorry for taking so long since it's almost done. It's just that I bought a new laptop and at the moment I'm spending all my time with setting it up the way I want it. :)

12-29-2001, 12:36 AM
Just another thought, although it may already be too late?

In our Forums, and I'm sure it's the same for a lot of other gaming sites, we have plenty of 'Clan Forums' (in their own category), where there are Moderators of each sub-forum/Clan Forum. The thing is though, these Mods often spam themselves, and they're not the most trustworthy people, as there's no requirements needed to be a Mod. of a Clan Forum.

The last thing we want is Clan Mods banning people just because they have grudges against them, or whatever silly reason. Spam is not really an issue in the Clan Forums anyway, as soon the Forums will be passworded and only individual members of the Clans can get into each Forum. So there's no rampant Spam there.

So a good idea would be, having it so that you can choose to set things up completely manually, so you can (for example) make someone called 'JohnSmith' able to Record Spam Incident's in the Movies Forum, General Forum, and Nintendo Forum. These are the only Forums in which JohnSmith can Record Spam Incidents.

Hopefully you can understand what I mean there Konqueror, and I hope it's not too late to make this request!

12-29-2001, 08:20 AM
I understand it, but let me first finish the current version. :)

01-09-2002, 01:20 PM
Cool I cant wait to see this , I got one guy thats post like 30 times a day, and these post are like really long,

01-09-2002, 02:37 PM
I'm currently really busy, so I don't know when I'll be able to finish the hack and write the instructions, sorry.