View Full Version : Weird characters on Quick Reply

10-02-2016, 02:20 PM
I noticed that when user use Quick Reply option some characters are converted to weird symbols.

When posting new thread everything is OK, when posting reply - is not.

Attached screenshot for clarification.

Anyone can suggest how to permanetly fix this problem?

Bill Stuntz
10-02-2016, 09:10 PM
I get similar junk if I change my browser to the wrong text encoding/decoding under the view menu.

I have no idea why it should be different for quick reply vs new thread, though.

10-03-2016, 08:09 AM
It is not browser related problem. No matter which browser result is the same.

Bill Stuntz
10-03-2016, 10:19 AM
Sorry, I must not have been clear enough. I meant - look at language settings, fonts, etc. We've had problems with stuff like that when people use an onscreen KB to insert smileys instead of using VB's smileys. Strange characters appear when the browser doesn't know what to display. It usually looks OK in the editor, but when the post is submitted, it displays wrong.

But I still don't know why it should be different for quick reply vs new thread.