View Full Version : Site warning from infected external URL

09-21-2016, 06:04 PM
What could be the possible problem in this forum:

Disabled the plugin globally, tried in default style, reuploaded files and still the same..

warning: the site had hyperlink from infected external URL. The site is causing false-positive detection.

09-21-2016, 10:27 PM
So it's still like that with all of your plugins and hooks disabled?

09-21-2016, 11:36 PM
Normally I would say:
If the site was hacked, they may have edited style templates and/or files. With hooks disabled as Dave inquired about above normally any mods/plugins affected won't work so it must be either in a template or an actual vBulletin file (compromised etc).

In your case since you've tried the default style, disabled plugins, and replaced files with 100% default files then as the message states "the site had hyperlink from infected external URL" so that means you have a URL on your forum which leads to an infected site then it continues to state it's causing the false-positive detection. So with all that being said and re-iterated... what is on this page? http://projectbodybuilding.com/forum/forumdisplay.php?4-Bodybuilding <-- Some link on that page is the issue, it could be an ad (I did not see ads as I had Ghostery, NoScript, and Ad Block Plus enabled when I ignored the warning and visited the site) so be sure to check and find out which link is the issue and remove it to remove the warning.

I changed your thread title from: Same thread ID to: Site warning from infected external URL so it could be easily interpreted and searched easier.

09-22-2016, 12:06 AM
Actually the problem here that I want to get assisted with is that every single thread is showing multiple times..

As for the warning, I already asked google to review the site again because the link leading to infected site was already removed..

Thank you very much!

09-22-2016, 12:08 AM
Actually the problem here that I want to get assisted with is that every single thread is showing multiple times..

As for the warning, I already asked google to review the site again because the link leading to infected site was already removed..

Thank you very much!

Ahh good to hear :D. Okay for the new issue simply open a new thread :D.

09-22-2016, 12:12 AM
Actually I opened this thread for that issue and not for malware warning.. :D

The previous thread title states the problem.. :D

Edit: My mistake, there was no problem description that is why it made confusion to readers.