View Full Version : Exporting users, posts, threads, and attachments

09-13-2016, 01:25 AM
I'm wanting to go from 4.2.2 back down to 3.8.7 because of a certain custom style/theme that was used on the 3.8.7 version.

Is there a simple way to modify the 3.8.7 style/theme to work on 4.2.2 or will it be easier to export the users, posts, threads, and attachments from 4.2.2 and import them into the 3.8.7 vbulletin version?

Thanks for your help!

09-13-2016, 01:38 PM
I would just find someone to update your vBulletin 3 theme to vBulletin 4.
Both of the things you listed are pretty much a pain to do.

Paul M
09-13-2016, 04:31 PM
Both options will be a real pain, the second one especially prone to going badly wrong (a forum needs more than just those four things to work anyway).

Is that theme really worth so much hassle ?
Why did you upgrade in the first place if it was important ?