View Full Version : New users are confused by too many tools in toolbar.

Bill Stuntz
09-08-2016, 06:10 PM
I'm trying to simplify things, especially for new users. I'd like to present a limited set of tools in the editor - basically the set of tools in the quick reply editor - EVERY time the editor is invoked in any context, unless the USER clicks on "Go Advanced"

The first photo below illustrates what I'd like to ALWAYS see by default - just the most useful & frequently used tools
The second photo below illustrates what a new user sees when he's trying to figure out how to make his first post by creating a new thread to ask a question - a zillion tools that he'll probably NEVER need to use - especially for his first post. Those extra tools do nothing that's really useful except in special circumstances for advanced users. For all practical purposes, the (useless in this context) tools do nothing except confuse/distract a new user who's trying to figure out how to ask a question, and probably add a photo to his post. The simpler set of tools would be much more appropriate. If they NEED the extra tools, they can always click "Go Advanced"

Is there some way to make this happen?

09-08-2016, 06:21 PM
It would require coding to restrict the buttons that display in the quick editor. Give me some time, and I will see if I can put together a product that will allow you to determine exactly which buttons appear on your quick editor.

I already have products available for adding buttons to the quick editor (and determining which of your custom BBCode buttons to add) and for adding information to the mouseover tooltips for your custom BBCode buttons:

Quick Editor Buttons [v1.5] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=322109)

Editor Toolbar Tooltips [v1.1] (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=322088)

Bill Stuntz
09-08-2016, 06:33 PM
The quick editor has the correct buttons. It's the "New Thread" and PM editor that has WAY too many buttons.
If they WANT all the extra buttons for "fancy" posts, they can click "Go Advanced" to get them.

Basically, I want the editors that come up in advanced mode to come up in simple mode by default, instead of advanced mode so they can easily find the REALLY useful tools without being distracted by the ones they probably shouldn't be using anyway.

09-08-2016, 06:43 PM
Okay, that would still be possible, and I will combine this feature with the feature I spoke of for the quick editor as well...basically, I will see if I can put together a product that gives you complete control over the toolbar under all circumstances. :)

Bill Stuntz
09-08-2016, 06:47 PM
That would be GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
P.S. I wouldn't mind getting rid of the Post Templates, too.

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One other thing about the editors occurs to me: Is it possible to get a "Preview Post" button in the Quick Reply" editor? I'm just guessing, but I'd say that about 75% of the times I "Go Advanced" the only reason I do so is to preview the post because the editor's WYSIWYG only SORTA ALMOST WYSIWYG.

09-08-2016, 07:57 PM
Did you try setting AdminCP > Settings > Options > Registration Options > Default Options > Message Editor Interface to Show Standard Editor? That will give all new users the standard editor unless they go and change the option themselves.

Bill Stuntz
09-08-2016, 08:25 PM
I hadn't, but I just tried changing my own editor options & didn't get what I want. Sorta WYSIWYG is better than NO WYSIWYG. And I DO want them to be able to easily bold/underline/InsertImage, etc. and see something resembling what they'll get. But the "standard" editor still shows too many tools that are totally unnecessary for simple posts. The fancier (especially new) users try to get, the more trouble they get into. I don't want to lock them out of the advanced tools, but I'd LIKE to present only the most useful tools for simple posts unless they choose to "Go Advanced." I'm a firm believer in the KISS principle. I'd like to make it as easy as possible to ask a simple question that probably includes a photo or 2. I want to minimize the distraction of too many tools that won't really improve their posts.

One example of my problem is that they often can't figure out how to insert photos. It was REALLY bad when the "Insert Image" icon was that weird thing that I FINALLY figured out was supposed to be PICTURE of a tree, and in THIS version of VB is a picture of mountain. Neither of those clearly expresses "photo-ness" in a 20x20 icon! I eventually figured out how to change the icon to a camera in the sprites.png file. And a camera DOES imply that it has SOMETHING to do with photos. And they CAN find that - if they're not distracted by all the other unnecessary tools. Take a look at the tool bar they see in the first screen shot in my first post. Then notice what they see (2nd screen shot) when they try to make their first post by creating a new thread. The camera is submerged in a sea of tools, most of which are useless to them - and the camera doesn't stand out. It's MUCH easier to find in the Quick Reply editor's simple toolbar.

Bill Stuntz
09-22-2016, 10:13 PM
I hope it's not against the rules, but I'm going to bump this since I haven't had any replies or suggestions recently. I had hoped that it was just because of the weekend, etc. but apparently not.

12-29-2016, 08:50 AM
I have published a product here that should be what you're after:

Custom Toolbar (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=324086)

I have cited you as a co-author. :)