View Full Version : URL contains lots of letters?

09-04-2016, 06:49 PM
When clicking the "GO ADVANCED" button to reply to a thread I'm taken to this link below???

http://www.staffs-vw.co.uk/newreply.php?do=postreply&t=13597&code=AQA1jfKYUWkx1Gy0aD7j8tma3z8CXSLbv0yIa8xZHoeke YncJ7AJGT4iSGH1YM5UmU4ricFVQvC4Omd43QQYyC__Xbw9q7N okj65zn3bOp494zPPkluoXITuMc8bqr3JsMXRez7IyeSsWeokQ J5DKN8_GaFn0BmCzvBsPq0AXD8AYsaZfOc0NWjwIT8LKIz1GMF-nUlzrVwM7pzJ9LwcMHtWBqrgOL6eLHk2ufDge_l8-iT5W9EFSC4GsMHJHjxk5P862qLGCaC2V8irMVvHJ1JOiQN0l_O ZL3jKP2V-ELwDWmr4zO4OVBXeFOD4SeR29VU&state=bd4a833f02293fff3c9e6fd705d2c8f9#_=_

Any idea why all these letters are after the url now?

09-04-2016, 06:58 PM
Looks like some kind of base64 encoding.

My guess:
1. Part of a plugin you have installed.
2. Your vBulletin installation is infected.
3. Your host adds that to the URL as part of DDoS protection of some sort.

09-04-2016, 07:28 PM
all things Dave mentioned above, the rest is you need to check your forum and make it clean as it did.