View Full Version : IPv6 Ip's

09-03-2016, 03:30 PM
How do I go about increasing field length in the database that stores IP's. I need to see the entire length of IPv6 IP's.


09-03-2016, 04:05 PM
A mixture between these threads should help you




09-03-2016, 07:17 PM
Thanks Kevin L. Read through those threads and basically it seems vbulletin doesn't support Ipv6 and banning someone you need to using it is not really possible without rewriting a lot of code and db changes. My biggest issue is Vbulletin is banning members that have been with us for a long time and their IP changes to a Ipv6 and that makes no sense. So, basically a percentage of our members won't be able to access our site unless they go to a library or something.

Paul M
09-04-2016, 01:47 PM
What do you mean by "doesnt support IPv6" ?

It cannot store them (unless you increase the field size) but you can still access and use it.

Some common field sizes have been changed in 4.2.4 (& 3.8.10).