View Full Version : How to remove this on a vB skin

08-22-2016, 11:25 AM

So I decided to attempt coding my very first forum skin for vb3 from just using the default vb style.

I am just wondering if there is a way to get rid of this: http://prntscr.com/c8wpko I do not want it there, and was wondering if there is a place in the skin to remove it?


08-22-2016, 02:56 PM
You should be able to remove it from the template. To find the template to modify, do this - vboptions > General Settings > Add Template Name in HTML Comments > set to Yes . Then go back to your page and view the source code and you will see the name of the template called around your part of the code. (Sometimes the template is the one mentioned at the very top of the page source.)

08-22-2016, 03:54 PM
You should be able to remove it from the template. To find the template to modify, do this - vboptions > General Settings > Add Template Name in HTML Comments > set to Yes . Then go back to your page and view the source code and you will see the name of the template called around your part of the code. (Sometimes the template is the one mentioned at the very top of the page source.)

Thanks very much, I have removed it now :)