12-02-2001, 10:10 PM
if ( isset($goto) and ($goto=='lastpost' or $goto=='newpost')) {
// ################################################## ##########################
// ############################# SHOW POST ####################################
// ################################################## ##########################
if ($action=="showpost") {
$templatesused = 'postbit_search,postbit_buddy,postbit_useremail,ic q,aim,yahoo,postbit_homepage,postbit_profile,postb it_ip_show,postbit_ip_hidden,postbit,postbit_sendp m,postbit_avatar,postbit_offline,postbit_online,po stbit_editedby,postbit_signature,postbit_attachmen t,postbit_attachmentimage,showpost';
if (isset($postid) and $postid!=0 and $postid!="") {
$postid = verifyid("post",$postid);
$getthread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid='$postid'");
$threadid = intval($threadid);
$thread = verifyid("thread",$threadid,1,1);
if (!$thread['visible']) {
if (!$getperms['canview']) {
if (!$getperms['canviewothers'] and $thread['postuserid']!=$bbuserinfo['userid']) {
$datecut = time() - $cookietimeout;
".iif ($showonline,"session.userid AS sessionuserid,","")."
post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,".iif($forum[allowicons],'icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,','')."
attachment.attachmentid,attachment.filename,attach ment.visible AS attachmentvisible,attachment.counter
".iif($avatarenabled,",avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline","")."
FROM post
".iif($forum[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid','')."
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
".iif ($avatarenabled,"LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid","")."
LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
".iif( $showonline,"LEFT JOIN session ON (session.userid = user.userid
AND session.userid > 0
".iif($bbuserinfo['usergroupid']!=6,"AND user.invisible = 0","")."
AND session.lastactivity>$datecut)","")."
WHERE post.postid = '$postid'
$postbits .= getpostbit($post);
// ################################################## ############################
// ############################# SHOW THREAD ####################################
// ################################################## ############################
$templatesused = 'postbit_search,postbit_buddy,postbit_useremail,ic q,aim,yahoo,postbit_homepage,postbit_profile,postb it_ip_show,postbit_ip_hidden,postbit,postbit_sendp m,postbit_avatar,postbit_offline,postbit_online,po stbit_editedby,postbit_signature,postbit_attachmen t,postbit_attachmentimage,showthread_adminoptions, showthread_threadrate,showthread_pollresults_voted ,showthread_pollresults_closed,showthread_firstunr ead,showthread_nextnewestthread,showthread_nextold estthread,forumrules,showthread';
// oldest first or newest first
if ($postorder==0) {
} else {
// goto last post
if ($goto=="lastpost") {
if (isset($threadid) and $threadid!=0) {
$threadid = verifyid("thread",$threadid);
if ($getlastpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT postid,post.dateline FROM post,thread WHERE post.threadid=thread.threadid AND thread.threadid='$threadid' AND post.visible=1 AND thread.visible=1 ORDER BY post.dateline DESC LIMIT 1")) {
header("Location: showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$getlastpost[postid]#post$getlastpost[postid]");
if (isset($forumid) and $forumid!=0) {
$getchildforums=$DB_site->query("SELECT forumid,parentlist FROM forum WHERE INSTR(CONCAT(',',parentlist,','),',$forumid,')>0");
while ($getchildforum=$DB_site->fetch_array($getchildforums)) {
if ($getchildforum[forumid]==$forumid) {
$thread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM thread WHERE forumid IN (0$forumslist) AND visible=1 AND (sticky=1 OR sticky=0) AND lastpost>='".($foruminfo[lastpost]-30)."' AND open<>10 ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 1");
if ($getlastpost=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT postid FROM post WHERE threadid='$thread[threadid]' AND visible=1 ORDER BY postid DESC LIMIT 1")) {
header("Location: showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$getlastpost[postid]#post$getlastpost[postid]");
// goto newest post
if ($goto=="newpost") {
$threadid = verifyid("thread",$threadid);
if ($posts=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT postid,dateline FROM post WHERE post.threadid=$threadid AND post.visible=1 AND post.dateline>'$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]' ORDER BY dateline LIMIT 1")) {
header("Location: showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&postid=$posts[postid]#post$posts[postid]");
} else {
header("Location: showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&goto=lastpost");
if ($goto=="nextnewest") {
$thread = verifyid("thread",$threadid,1,1);
if ($getnextnewest=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid
FROM thread
WHERE forumid='$thread[forumid]'
AND lastpost>'$thread[lastpost]'
AND visible=1
AND open<>10
ORDER BY lastpost LIMIT 1")) {
unset ($thread);
} else {
if ($goto=="nextoldest") {
$thread = verifyid("thread",$threadid,1,1);
if ($getnextoldest=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid
FROM thread
WHERE forumid='$thread[forumid]'
AND lastpost<'$thread[lastpost]'
AND visible=1
AND open<>10
ORDER BY lastpost DESC LIMIT 1")) {
} else {
if (!isset($perpage)) {
if ($bbuserinfo[maxposts]!=-1 and $bbuserinfo[maxposts]!=0)
$perpage = $bbuserinfo[maxposts];
} else {
$perpage = intval($perpage);
if (isset($postid) and $postid!=0 and $postid!="") {
$postid = verifyid("post",$postid);
$getthread=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT threadid FROM post WHERE postid='$postid'");
if (!$postorder) {
$getpagenum=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE threadid='$threadid' AND postid<='$postid'");
if ($getpagenum[posts]%$perpage==0) {
} else {
} else {
$getpagenum=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE threadid='$threadid' AND postid>='$postid'");
if ($getpagenum[posts]%$perpage==0) {
} else {
$threadid = intval($threadid);
$thread = verifyid("thread",$threadid,1,1);
if ($wordwrap!=0) {
if (!$thread['visible']) {
if (!$getperms['canview']) {
if (!$getperms['canviewothers'] and $thread['postuserid']!=$bbuserinfo['userid']) {
if ((!isset($pagenumber) or $pagenumber==0) and $pagenumber!="lastpage") {
if ($noshutdownfunc) {
$DB_site->query("UPDATE thread SET views=views+1 WHERE threadid='$threadid'");
} else {
$shutdownqueries[]="UPDATE LOW_PRIORITY thread SET views=views+1 WHERE threadid='$threadid'";
if ($bbuserinfo[cookieuser]) {
// words to highlight from the search engine
if (isset($highlight)) {
$highlightwords=explode(" ",str_replace("/","\/",quotemeta($highlight)));
while (list($key,$val)=each($highlightwords)) {
$val = strtolower($val);
if ($val=='or' OR $val=='and' OR $val=='not') {
if ($allowwildcards) {
$val = str_replace("\*", "[a-zA-z]+", $val);
// draw nav bar
$curforumid = $thread['forumid'];
if ($thread[pollid]) {
$pollinfo=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT * FROM poll WHERE pollid='$pollid'");
$splitoptions=explode("|||", $pollinfo[options]);
if (!$pollinfo[active] or !$thread[open] or ($pollinfo[dateline]+($pollinfo[timeout]*86400)<time() and $pollinfo[timeout]!=0)){
//thread/poll is closed, ie show results no matter what
} else {
//get userid, check if user already voted
if ($HTTP_COOKIE_VARS['pollvoted'][$pollid] or ($bbuserinfo['userid'] and $uservote=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT pollvoteid FROM pollvote WHERE userid='$bbuserinfo[userid]' AND pollid=$pollid"))) {
while ($counter++<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
while ($counter++<$pollinfo[numberoptions]) {
$option[question] = bbcodeparse($splitoptions[$counter-1],$forum[forumid],1);
$option[votes] = $splitvotes[$counter-1]; //get the vote count for the option
$option[number] = $counter; //number of the option
//Now we check if the user has voted or not
if ($showresults or $uservoted) { // user did vote or poll is closed
if ($option[votes] == 0){
} else{
$option[percent] = number_format($option[votes]/$pollinfo[numbervotes]*100,2);
$option[graphicnumber]=$option[number]%6 + 1;
$option[barnumber] = round($option[percent])*2;
if ($showresults) {
eval("\$pollstatus = \"".gettemplate("showthread_pollresults_closed")."\";");
} elseif ($uservoted) {
eval("\$pollstatus = \"".gettemplate("showthread_pollresults_voted")."\";");
eval("\$pollbits .= \"".gettemplate("pollresult")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$pollbits .= \"".gettemplate("polloption")."\";");
if ($showresults or $uservoted) {
eval("\$poll = \"".gettemplate("showthread_pollresults")."\";");
} else {
eval("\$poll .= \"".gettemplate("showthread_polloptions")."\";");
} else {
$datecut = time() - $cookietimeout;
// can do it this way or use a strstr() for each post but I feel this will be quicker overall
$ignorelist = explode(' ', $bbuserinfo['ignorelist']);
while ( list($key, $val)=each($ignorelist) ) {
$ignore[$val] = 1;
$postscount=$DB_site->query_first("SELECT COUNT(*) AS posts FROM post WHERE post.threadid='$threadid' AND post.visible=1");
SELECT post.postid FROM post
WHERE post.threadid='$threadid' AND post.visible=1
ORDER BY dateline $postorder LIMIT ".($limitlower-1).",$perpage
if ($limitupper>$totalposts) {
if ($limitlower>$totalposts) {
if ($limitlower<=0) {
$postids="post.postid IN (0";
while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($getpostids)) {
".iif ($showonline,"session.userid AS sessionuserid,","")."
post.*,post.username AS postusername,post.ipaddress AS ip,user.*,userfield.*,".iif($forum[allowicons],'icon.title as icontitle,icon.iconpath,','')."
attachment.attachmentid,attachment.filename,attach ment.visible AS attachmentvisible,attachment.counter
".iif($avatarenabled,",avatar.avatarpath,NOT ISNULL(customavatar.avatardata) AS hascustomavatar,customavatar.dateline AS avatardateline","")."
FROM post
".iif($forum[allowicons],'LEFT JOIN icon ON icon.iconid=post.iconid','')."
LEFT JOIN user ON user.userid=post.userid
LEFT JOIN userfield ON userfield.userid=user.userid
".iif ($avatarenabled,"LEFT JOIN avatar ON avatar.avatarid=user.avatarid
LEFT JOIN customavatar ON customavatar.userid=user.userid","")."
LEFT JOIN attachment ON attachment.attachmentid=post.attachmentid
".iif( $showonline,"LEFT JOIN session ON (session.userid = user.userid
AND session.userid > 0
".iif($bbuserinfo['usergroupid']!=6,"AND user.invisible = 0","")."
AND session.lastactivity>$datecut)","")."
WHERE $postids
ORDER BY dateline $postorder
while ($post=$DB_site->fetch_array($posts) and $counter++<$perpage) {
if ($postdone[$post[postid]]) {
} else {
$postbits .= getpostbit($post);}
// ###################################
// start of custom pips and stars hack
// ###################################
if ($post[posts] > 200)
{ $pips = "" ; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 180)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 160)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 140)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 120)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 100)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 80)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 60)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 50)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 40)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 30)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 20)
{ $pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
elseif ($post[posts] > 10)
{$pips = "<img src=\"\" border=0>"; }
{$pips = ""; }
//if ($post[posts] > 1500)
// { $goldstars = "<img src=\"\" border=0><br>"; }
//elseif ($post[posts] > 1000)
// { $goldstars = "<img src=\"\" border=0><br>"; }
//elseif ($post[posts] > 750)
// { $goldstars = "<img src=\"\" border=0><br>"; }
//elseif ($post[posts] > 500)
// { $goldstars = "<img src=\"\" border=0><br>"; }
//elseif ($post[posts] > 200)
// { $goldstars = "<img src=\"\" border=0><br>"; }
// { $goldstars = ""; }
// #################################
// end of custom pips and stars hack
// #################################
$pagenav = getpagenav($totalposts,"showthread.php?s=$session[sessionhash]&threadid=$threadid&perpage=$perpage");
unset($sigcache); //don't need the signature cache anymore
if ($thread[open]) {
} else {
if ($thread[lastpost]>$bbuserinfo[lastvisit]) {
// do blue arrow link
if ($firstnew) {
} else {
eval("\$firstunread = \"".gettemplate("showthread_firstunread")."\";");
} else {
if ($forum[allowratings]) {
eval("\$threadrateselect = \"".gettemplate("showthread_threadrate")."\";");
} else {
$threadrateselect = " ";
if (ismoderator($forumid) or $getperms['canopenclose'] or $getperms['candeletethread'] or $getperms['canmove']) {
eval("\$adminoptions = \"".gettemplate("showthread_adminoptions")."\";");
} else {
$adminoptions = " ";
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