View Full Version : Need help with upgraded hacked board

11-09-2001, 11:39 PM
Hey guys! Cool new site! :D

I need some help. The two guys that installed these hacks (in an earlier version) are way too busy to help me at this point.

And me? I'm not too bright about php :stupid:

The hacks installed on my board are these:

three subscriber usergroups (graduating user abilities based on subscription levels)
1. No one gets avatars unless they are a subscriber
2. All three user groups get avatars
3. Two user groups get ability to create custom titles

We have a special event hack (we are a surgery support site and wanted surgery date on the calendar in addition to the birthdays)

Surgery dates are added in the member profile and added to the calendar.php and the bottom of our forum home page with the birthday list.


We upgraded to 2.2.0 this last weekend and after pulling hair, we managed to get it ALL working EXCEPT:

The custom title add/edit isn't showing up in the profile edit page.

If you are a moderator/admin...the custom title edit option is showing up.

I'm at a loss. I've been over the files several times and dont see anything missing. Of course, I don't know php. I suppose if I knew a bit of it, I would be able to look at the existing code and see what needs to be added to another file or something.

I'm at a loss. My subscribers can't fix their custom titles...and its part of their privileges.

Can anyone help? Thank you ahead of time!

PS...I typed in my second license/usernumber/password in the form to be able to post here...and this one is going to expire and I'm not going to renew it. When it lapses, can I add my first license info so I can still get in here?

Thanks! :D

11-10-2001, 05:29 AM
Are you sure you gave the usergroups access to use custom titles?
This is in the Change Options screen IIRC.

[QUOTE]Originally posted by Kathy
PS...I typed in my second license/usernumber/password in the form to be able to post here...and this one is going to expire and I'm not going to renew it. When it lapses, can I add my first license info so I can still get in here?

11-10-2001, 11:34 AM
Originally posted by FireFly
Are you sure you gave the usergroups access to use custom titles?
This is in the Change Options screen IIRC.

Yes, change options....use custom titles is set to YES

In the usergroup permissions....I've set the registered members to "no" and the two usergroups that should get custom titles....set to YES.

This was working before the upgrade.

Any other ideas? (the avatar part of the hack is working...these three usergroups get the use of the avatar....but the custom title "edit section" isn't showing up in the profile of these users. Actually before the upgrade all the usergroups saw the "edit custom title" in their profile modify screen. But only the right user groups had permission to use it)

11-18-2001, 01:19 PM
guess here .. :) try editing the user control panel template and add the link to edit custom title manually?