View Full Version : How to move auto thread

05-04-2016, 09:06 PM
hello all
i want to know how thread auto move in another section or sub-form
i mean i want if 50 reply in thread after thread auto move in another section like Close or Dead section ???
any mode ?

05-04-2016, 09:38 PM
hello all
i want to know how thread auto move in another section or sub-form
i mean i want if 50 reply in thread after thread auto move in another section like Close or Dead section ???
any mode ?

That would require custom coding. I will keep an eye on this thread, and if no one finds you a pre-existing product in the next day or two (I don't see one), I'll put something together for you. :)

05-04-2016, 10:11 PM
Thank you am waiting

05-08-2016, 09:11 AM
still waiting but i think no one have this mod, i really need this because i cant move 100+ reports by my self lol
so help me please

05-08-2016, 02:56 PM
Okay, I have attached a product that will run a daily cron job to auto-move threads in the source forums you select (child forums included) with at least the number of replies you specify to a destination forum you select.

Please let me know if there are any issues (I tested, but not extensively), and/or if you would like any added features. :)

05-08-2016, 08:05 PM
Great sir i we install and waiting what happen You are great :)
Can you tell me how many threads auto move in 1 day (24 hours) ?

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I have some problem
I have some threads thats have 200+ reply but i dont want to move these threads in dead section i mean these are pin threads, can you add option (these thread i dont want to move), i mean can you add option these thread will not move

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1,634 thread will be move in some minutes i think its 20 min

05-08-2016, 09:04 PM
Great sir i we install and waiting what happen You are great :)
Can you tell me how many threads auto move in 1 day (24 hours) ?

The number of threads that will be moved depends entirely on how you have defined the settings. :)

I have some problem
I have some threads thats have 200+ reply but i dont want to move these threads in dead section i mean these are pin threads, can you add option (these thread i dont want to move), i mean can you add option these thread will not move

If you mean sticky threads, yes I can add an option to exclude them from the move. I will do that tonight. :)

05-08-2016, 09:13 PM
Thanks sir great
Now Set the number of replies needed before a thread is auto-moved. (60) i select but after i see 1,634 threads will be move.
Yes i mean sticky threads will not be moved in dead section

05-09-2016, 12:17 AM
Okay, this updated version gives you the option to "Move Sticky Threads Too?" where the default is "No". Leave this set to "No" to have sticky threads ignored in the query and left where they are. :)

05-10-2016, 09:28 AM
Great sir thank you very much

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Can you add 1 2 more features
At this time i target 1 section and move dead threads in dead section
if i want move thread auto in another section but i want these threads move in another section not a Dead section how to do this
Can you add move values with other sections Sorry my eng is not good i hope you understand.

05-10-2016, 12:09 PM
Great sir thank you very much

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Can you add 1 2 more features
At this time i target 1 section and move dead threads in dead section
if i want move thread auto in another section but i want these threads move in another section not a Dead section how to do this
Can you add move values with other sections Sorry my eng is not good i hope you understand.

What I can do is change the way the source and destination forums are chosen. Rather than having menus, you would have to enter the forumids as follows:


For example, if you entered into the setting text area:


then threads from forums 2, 3 and 4 would be moved to forum 20 and threads from forums 5 and 6 would be moved to forum 21.

I will make this change soon. :)

05-10-2016, 02:20 PM
yes i want this type

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Now something is wrong because 5 hours ago still no thread will be move

05-10-2016, 03:43 PM
yes i want this type

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Now something is wrong because 5 hours ago still no thread will be move

It is run once daily, but you can force it to run from the Scheduled Task Manager. Run the task titled "Daily Cleanup". :)

05-11-2016, 08:13 AM
Oky sir thanks :)

07-09-2016, 05:45 AM
Could this be tweaked or is there a product out there that would allow us to say at 12am (for example) it would move a specific thread to another forum?

Basically, we run competitions now and then and we want to be able to set it up so a thread can be moved from the "Private" forum into the "Public" competitions announcement forum at set times. So we don't have to manually be on at that time to move it. We can just set it up so it will move the thread automatically at the times/date we tell it to.

If that makes sense?