View Full Version : Block viewing of certain threads by user?

03-24-2016, 05:44 AM
So i'm going to be running a DnD game on my Forum and my Dungeon Master wants to keep everybody's stats hidden from each other. They'll all have a certain thread, so they can edit their stats when leveling. Is there anyway to restrict just a certain user to a thread and obviously anyone with proper authority?

the one
03-24-2016, 10:05 AM
So i'm going to be running a DnD game on my Forum and my Dungeon Master wants to keep everybody's stats hidden from each other. They'll all have a certain thread, so they can edit their stats when leveling. Is there anyway to restrict just a certain user to a thread and obviously anyone with proper authority?

When you are viewing the user profile in admin cp can you not just use the access masks for this


03-24-2016, 02:21 PM
If each user has their own thread, then in that forum (I assume you will have a separate forum for this), set their forum permissions for that forum such that they cannot view the threads of others.