View Full Version : Please review - Simpsons Board

11-07-2001, 12:56 AM
I am quite new to the board business and I am in the processing of opening up a Simpsons dedicated message board. The site isn't officially open yet, but I'd be more than happy to get opinions on it and see what everyone thinks.

I am planning on installing the avatar sorter hack, once I figure it completely out. Please let me know what you think of the layout and colors.

:) Thank you. Again, it's not officially open to the public.

Reeve of shinra
11-08-2001, 12:55 AM
lol - cute theme and original (so far as I know).

The yellow is different and adds a cheeryness to the place but some people surf the net when they should be working *looks around guiltilly* and it would be cool to have a theme just a little less bright.

I like the new post and reply buttons. Simple and clear.

11-08-2001, 02:03 PM
Originally posted by Reeve of shinra
lol - cute theme and original (so far as I know).

The yellow is different and adds a cheeryness to the place but some people surf the net when they should be working *looks around guiltilly* and it would be cool to have a theme just a little less bright.

I like the new post and reply buttons. Simple and clear.

:) Thanks, Reeve of Shinra! lol Most of the work I've put into the board has been while I'm at work, so you don't have to be guilty. lol I am working on the color scheme. I really like the yellow and blue, but an assistant admin doesn't like it. My plan? To get this style the way I want it, hacks included, and then work on more styles for the members to choose from. I had to close the site as the link to the main domain is working now and there are people stumbling upon it by accident (Yippee!!!), but I need to finish it a bit more first. Edited to say: the address is: www.simpsonsboard.com

Thanks for the review!

11-10-2001, 09:05 PM
nice board, cant wait to see it ... looks pretty phat. When will it be open to the public ??


p.s: My board is www.digital-mafia.co.uk . Please let me know what you think of mine ...thanks again

11-13-2001, 03:07 PM

Thanks! :) I saw your post at the Simpsons board and I replied. It's now "unofficially open" to the public. I think it still needs bunches more work. lol

Your board is pretty cool. I'm still figuring my way around it. I like a board that's open to a lot of things instead of focused so much on one particular item (ie - simpsons!) lol

Thanks again!
