View Full Version : Add-On Releases - Invitation System 2016

03-11-2016, 10:00 PM
the Legend is Back
Invitation System 2016 by HASANN

This Product brought to you by www.vBulletin-TR.Com (http://www.vbulletin-tr.com/)

Comments, suggestions, translations, bugs, etc... are very welcome! Support is only given to people who have clicked INSTALL.


->What does it? > Allow users send invites to everybody.
> This new version is for vB Version v3.8.x


you can test it at here www.vbulletin-tr.com/forum/profile.php?do=invitation&langid=1 (http://www.vbulletin-tr.com/forum/profile.php?do=invitation&langid=1)


complete code rewrited ;)
Included a user referrer code to invite code, so when they sign up, it shows up who referred them. ;)
Now users can delete their invites ;)
Invitation Image Verification Added ;)
The system can be turned on and off.
Usergroups Permissions Added; Allowed Usergroups to View and to Use This Hack
Invitation User Control Panel Link; Show Invitation Link in "User Control Panel" Left Menu
Invitation Automatic Link Creation; This will create a link on your forum navbar to the invitation page
Usergroups Permissions Added ;)
fully phrased ;)
added an admin option disable registration via normal methods
added an admin option which usergroups can to delete their invites
added an admin option enable disable invitation image verification
added an admin option Edit the Email Text Title
added an admin option Edit the Invite Description
added Invitation Sender Username to Email
integrated the totally vBulletin default Human Verification System into Invitation System :eek:

You decide it if you wich human verification system will be used in the invitation system go to Admincp > Human Verification Manager > and select one human verification if you want.
these are;
Image Verification
An image consisting of letters in varying fonts/shapes/sizes will be shown to the user. The appearance of this image is dicated by several options that you may control.
Question and Answer Verification
Questions provided by you that must be answered appropriately for verification.
reCAPTCHA Verification
An image containing two words will be shown to the user. This verification supports audio, allowing blind users to register.
Added Invitation User Options
a> Ability to limit number of invites by user. (user: Admin an have 10 invites, user: Testuser can have 20, etc, admin controlled)
b> Ability to reset invites to 0 on a per user basis (override), admin controlled
c> Ability to reset to max being unused, admin controlled
d> Abilitiy turn to on or off Invitation System per user basis, admin controlled

Install: ->Just Import product_invitation.xml via Product Manager

->Do template edits:
In USERCP_SHELL Template Find this Code

<if condition="$show['profilepiclink']"> <tr><td class="$navclass[profilepic]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=editprofilepic">$vbphrase[edit_profile_picture]</a></td></tr> </if>Add Below This Code

<if condition="$vbulletin->options['invitation_usercp_link']"><tr><td class="$navclass[invitation]" nowrap="nowrap"><a class="smallfont" href="profile.php?$session[sessionurl]do=invitation">$vbphrase[invitation]</a></td></tr></if>Comments, suggestions, translations, bugs, etc... are very welcome! Support is only given to people who have clicked INSTALL.

03-12-2016, 07:14 PM
Date: 03 Mar 2008 : Updated to v1.0.2
added an admin option disable registration via normal methods
added an admin option which usergroups can to delete their invites

Date: 05 Mar 2008 : Updated to v1.0.3

Added Version Check URL Requested Here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1457118&postcount=40)
Added Invite Description Requested Here (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showpost.php?p=1456307&postcount=32)
Added an Option To Admincp Invitation Human Image Verification.
Some Minor Bugs Cleared
Invitation Templates Cleared

Date: 05 Mar 2008 : updated to v1.0.4

added an admin option enable disable invitation image verification
added an admin option Edit the Email Text Title
added an admin option Edit the Invite Description
added Invitation Sender Username to Email

Date: 07 Mar 2008 : updated to v1.0.5

Minor Template Bugs Fixed!!!
added error messages when email does not works or human verification system

The following errors occurred with your submission:

You entered an invalid email address.
The string you entered for the image verification did not match what was displayed.

Date: 08 Mar 2008 : updated to v2.0.0

integrated the totally vBulletin default Human Verification System into Invitation System :eek:

You decide it if you wich human verification system will be used in the invitation system go to Admincp > Human Verification Manager > and select one human verification if you want.
these are;
Image Verification
An image consisting of letters in varying fonts/shapes/sizes will be shown to the user. The appearance of this image is dicated by several options that you may control.
Question and Answer Verification
Questions provided by you that must be answered appropriately for verification.
reCAPTCHA Verification
An image containing two words will be shown to the user. This verification supports audio, allowing blind users to register.
Added Invitation User Options
a> Ability to limit number of invites by user. (user: Admin an have 10 invites, user: Testuser can have 20, etc, admin controlled)
b> Ability to reset invites to 0 on a per user basis (override), admin controlled
c> Ability to reset to max being unused, admin controlled
d> Abilitiy turn to on or off Invitation System per user basis, admin controlled

Date: 05 April 2008 : updated to v2.0.2

- Scythe42 has made the following changes:

no more need to double click on the invitation link
invitationcode cookie gets removed once the user has signed up
account verification after signup isn't blocked by an invalid invitation error code anymore
deletions of invites now delete the correct invite
added permissions check when trying to delete an invitation
if a user deletes an unclaimed invite, he gets one invite back
you cannot sent multiple invites to the same email address
you cannot sent invites to already registered email addresses
added no invites sent message to usercp tepmplate
changed some phrases to proper English (hope so)
added some additional phrases

- I have made the fallowing changes

numerous misspells in the body text of the invitation fixed
the body text hardcoded that users can't change it
also there are phrases for subject and bodytext, so you can use translations.
the users can attach a note message to the invite email
some phrases errors fixed
some template bugs fixed
database errors fixed

03-12-2016, 09:36 PM
Wow this is awesome thank you!

03-14-2016, 12:20 AM
How do the emails get sent? is it sent by way of the email of the person sending or the main email of the URL?

I had to custom code a lot of VB 3.8 email functions, because I noticed in the last year that a lot of the email providers have become strict and won't accept incoming emails unless they are sent from the actual domain name...."admin@whateversite.com"

For example, users send a contact us email didn't go through half the time because it was being sent through VB and not through the person's email account. We had to manipulate it to send emails where the admin@whatersite is the sender and the "respond to" email is based on the person sending.

03-14-2016, 10:55 AM
How do the emails get sent? is it sent by way of the email of the person sending or the main email of the URL?

I had to custom code a lot of VB 3.8 email functions, because I noticed in the last year that a lot of the email providers have become strict and won't accept incoming emails unless they are sent from the actual domain name...."admin@whateversite.com"

For example, users send a contact us email didn't go through half the time because it was being sent through VB and not through the person's email account. We had to manipulate it to send emails where the admin@whatersite is the sender and the "respond to" email is based on the person sending.

it uses vBulletin Email System

03-15-2016, 10:24 PM

Possible for vB 4?

03-30-2016, 11:09 AM
Madem Türksün, İngilizce ve Almanca desteği ile eklenti paylaşacağına Türkçe dil desteği eklesene kardeş.

Eklentinin bazı eksikleri var; örnek olarak sitedeki her üyeye 100 davetiye hakkı veriyor.Tek tek 50.000 tane üyenin profilinden davetiye haklarını değiştiremekle uğraşmaz kimse.

Ayar sayfasına üye gruplarına göre davetiye hakkı getirebilirsin örnek normal üye grubuna X değerini verdiğinde o üye grubuna dahil olan tüm üyelerin X davetiyesi olsun şeklinde yaparsan kullanılır bu şekilde kimse uğraşmaz.

03-30-2016, 01:27 PM
Madem T?rks?n...

Please post in English. :)

Manoel J?nior
04-03-2016, 01:43 AM
Thanks friend. Please update this for vB4.x

09-29-2016, 05:53 PM
Madem T?rks?n, İngilizce ve Almanca desteği ile eklenti paylaşacağına T?rk?e dil desteği eklesene kardeş.

Eklentinin bazı eksikleri var; ?rnek olarak sitedeki her ?yeye 100 davetiye hakkı veriyor.Tek tek 50.000 tane ?yenin profilinden davetiye haklarını değiştiremekle uğraşmaz kimse.

Ayar sayfasına ?ye gruplarına g?re davetiye hakkı getirebilirsin ?rnek normal ?ye grubuna X değerini verdiğinde o ?ye grubuna dahil olan t?m ?yelerin X davetiyesi olsun şeklinde yaparsan kullanılır bu şekilde kimse uğraşmaz.

Katılıyorum : Up:

09-18-2018, 08:03 AM
Will it work with v5?

Manoel J?nior
09-22-2018, 10:21 PM
Will it work with v5?

No friend