View Full Version : Anime Theme Clean

03-07-2016, 10:00 PM
Hi all, i want ot share with you a fantastic skin about anime&manga, however you can costumize it how do you prefer.

When import can be some small diffects, just edit a little bit the skin for ajust imperfections.


Upload images folder to your server where is /images folder.

Go Plugins & Products and import this:

1. Import product-cvb_manager.xml
2. product-matt_add_css.xml
3. product-sevenskins_header_avatar_1.1.0.xml

Next Step go Download/ Upload Styles and import:
When import be sure do this---> Ignore Style Version to YES.


Hope you like

File is too big so i upload in external server
Download: *Link removed by staff*

03-10-2016, 09:16 AM
What do the products do?

03-11-2016, 09:19 AM
What do the products do?

This products are for the theme manager, templates and css.
1. Import product-cvb_manager.xml
2. product-matt_add_css.xml

This one is for the user avatar when is logged on top left.

03-11-2016, 05:39 PM
What does each one do? I have more than one theme and don't want a product or plug in for one interfering with the others.
Forgive my pushing for answers. I'm in to anime in a big way and would really like to have a theme that is for that subject matter. But the products not knowing just what they do has me spooked some.

03-11-2016, 07:11 PM
I got the file and picked apart the xml sheets. Didn't like what I saw. I'll pass on this one.

04-01-2016, 02:31 AM
This is a http://www.completevb.com/ style once I saw the product you must import I knew. Alessi please pm me immediately regarding these (this style and the other I recently placed in the graveyard) once you see this, thanks.