View Full Version : How can Private Message sending be disabled for members not yet activated?

03-07-2016, 03:57 PM
Situation: Verify Email address in Registration is enabled. Moderate New Members is enabled. The Registered Users usergroup has PMs disabled (i.e., Private Message Permissions > Maximum Stored Messages is set to 0).

I stated this wrong in my initial description, and I apologize. Incorrectly stated on my part was the point at which new users are able to send Private Messages. I said that it was after clicking on the activation link in the registration email. That is wrong! Instead, they are able to send PMs before clicking on the activation link in the registration email. Once they click on that link and become activated and placed in the User Moderation queue, they are unable to send PMs anymore. And they cannot send PMs again until they are passed via post count promotion to the full privilege usergroup. So that's the problem. All a user has to do is fill in the registration form and submit it in order to start sending PMs. There has to be a way to fix that?

I don't want unactivated users to be able to send Private Messages to other members. They should not be able to send PMs at any point before they are automatically promoted by their post count.

So is there an easy fix for this problem? Again, I'm sorry for incorrectly describing it the first time.

Thank you

03-07-2016, 04:45 PM
I use this for same situations, you don't lose to take a look.
Advanced Private Messages Options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=228736)

03-07-2016, 05:28 PM
Please see my edit above. It's been a rough morning :(

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I use this for same situations, you don't lose to take a look.
Advanced Private Messages Options (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=228736)Thanks for the reply, Stratis. But do you know for sure that this mod will stop the ability of users to send PMs immediately after submitting their registration form?

It almost seems like a bug to me. I can't think of any reason allowing users who have not yet activated their member accounts the ability to send PMs would be a function that exists by design. But maybe there's something I haven't considered.

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Problem solved. And it was all a stupid error on my part. I had set the Private Message Permissions > Maximum Stored Messages option to zero (0) for usergroups: unregistered / Not Logged In, Users Awaiting Email Confirmation, and Users Awaiting Moderation. But I mis-typed the zero as a nine (9) in the field for the Users Awaiting Email Confirmation usergroup. When I went back to check through everything I caught and corrected it. Now no one is able to send PMs prior to activation :)

Thanks anyway.