View Full Version : How to remove link in Admin CP?

02-07-2016, 04:00 AM
A mod I installed had no imported files for the Admin CP, but rather had files that I put in the file manager for the Admin CP. After removing the files and rebuilding the bitfields, the link still remains and gives a 404 error saying that The requested URL /admincp/*.php was not found on this server.

What else do I need to do?

02-07-2016, 04:33 AM
You have to remove the installed files from your server. Look in your includes and includes/xml.
First though did you uninstall the plug in?

If I am fallowing you, you removed the files but not the plug in or the plug in without the removing the files.

Here is what I would do either way:

#1 - reupload all the mod files

#2 - reinstall plug in

#3 - uninstall plug in

#4 - remove files

What was the mod anyways?

02-07-2016, 04:41 AM
I have, and it's still there in the Admin CP.

02-07-2016, 04:46 AM
What is the name of the mod?

02-07-2016, 04:56 AM

Nevermind, fixed it.

02-07-2016, 05:08 AM
How did you fix it and what plug in was it? You missed the file in the includes/xml folder?

02-07-2016, 05:36 AM
How did you fix it and what plug in was it? You missed the file in the includes/xml folder?

Turns out I didn't delete the .xml file for the Admin CP. The best part is that I totally missed that in the readme file lol.

02-07-2016, 05:43 AM
Yes, I figured that was what happened. Glad it's OK now. :)