View Full Version : Mobile Mods?

02-05-2016, 04:45 PM
I was all set to purchase 3 or 4 mods from the DragonByte mod website, including the Classified Ads and Ads Pro mods, but then, after installing the demo versions for inspection, I realized that none of their mods show-up in mobile devices.

Really? Virtually EVERYONE these days has their nose stuck in a smart phone.

Is there some technical reason these mods are not mobile friendly? I emailed them days ago, but received no answer.

Just feeling a little defeated and disgusted, here... :confused:

02-05-2016, 05:09 PM
Are we talking about the mobile theme of vBulletin?
vBulletin 4 only comes with a mobile style that is very trimmed down to keep it basic. It's not the fault of the mod makers that it doesn't show up in that style.

02-06-2016, 01:27 AM
Mods have to be designed to work with mobile devices with Vbulletin 4 because Vbulletin 4 uses a separate theme for mobile.

You can get some mods to work in mobile by just copying the templates over to the mobile theme though they probably will not look to good unless you do some css work and template coding.