View Full Version : vBulletin 4.2.2 Bugs?

02-04-2016, 12:58 PM
Hi guys,

I have vBulletin 4.2.2 and I have following problems:

• If you click on what´s new -> activity stream and then on a thread title, the link is not working (it works just if the forum language is set to „english“).

• Sometimes it is not possible to edit a post. Changes are not saved.

• Sometimes videos are not uploaded. It is shown just the code behind. The same happens with text colours and fonts used in the posts.

• It is impossible to change a thread title. Changes are not saved.

• Sometimes if you add a survey to a thread, you get a new incomprehensible thread title.

I do not know if they are vbulletin bugs or maybe it is caused by the google translation tool installed in my forum....

Could you help me please?

Thanks a lot


02-04-2016, 01:15 PM
I've never encountered any of those bugs. First thing could be because of the encoding.
Do errors ever show up? Have you tried disabling all of your plugins?