View Full Version : Cant access admincp

01-28-2016, 11:21 AM
Hello guys,

After I enable Admin CP -> vBulletin Options -> Cookies and HTTP Header Option -> Add No-Cache HTTP Headers

I cant access admincp anymore.
I tried tools.php and also cant access...

Is it possible to change this setting to No through phpmyadmin?


01-28-2016, 01:16 PM
UPDATE setting SET value = 0 WHERE varname = 'nocacheheaders'

But it's also cached in the datastore, which is trickier to update... you could try updating it in the database like this:
UPDATE datastore SET data = REPLACE(data, '"nocacheheaders";i:1', '"nocacheheaders";i:0') WHERE title = 'options'

01-28-2016, 02:22 PM
Hey Dave,

Thank you very much for your help :)