View Full Version : vBulletin 5 Configuration Builder

01-23-2016, 08:29 AM
Hello. Went to upload today and got this little novelty.


In the case of 'Warning backend already exists.' what are we supposed to do? Do we delete it?
Since I am familiar with the config.php edits, I just went ahead and did them myself as normal.

Another question:

Database Server Name:
The server name of your database server

Not sure what this means. . . .

I will press ahead by uploading an un-edited config.php. i.e. the default one and see what happens from there.

Any assistance would be appreciated. If not only for myself but anyone else with a similar issue.

Thanks. .

01-23-2016, 11:53 AM
I got same issue when I did new install , and I just created new forum directory , and than I upload files there, and it was work ,,, I think because of config.php or something like this.

01-23-2016, 12:28 PM
I got same issue when I did new install , and I just created new forum directory , and than I upload files there, and it was work ,,, I think because of config.php or something like this.

Tried that and it didn't work. . .
I am just wondering why they don't include a 'SKIP' option for those that have already created their config.php.

I still have it up on a live site and can't get past the first stage. :D:D:D

It was obviously created to make the installation easier. .:eek:

Is there anyway to bypass this?

01-23-2016, 02:37 PM
Tried that and it didn't work. . .
I am just wondering why they don't include a 'SKIP' option for those that have already created their config.php.

I still have it up on a live site and can't get past the first stage. :D:D:D

It was obviously created to make the installation easier. .:eek:

Is there anyway to bypass this?

IDK , as I was lost my database and install it from fresh database and new directory of forum it was work fine for me . Ask on vb.com

01-23-2016, 02:49 PM
it was work fine for me . Ask on vb.com

Good to hear it. . . .

Well done!

01-24-2016, 08:16 AM
You need to populate the fields with the requested data, OR populate /core/includes/config.php manually.

Database server means the server where the MySQL database you're using is stored. This is most often 'localhost', however some hosts use a separate server and you'll need the URL. Only your host can advise what to use here.

Below are the install instructions I always give out for installing vB5:

1. Download the newest vB5 release from the members' area. https://members.vbulletin.com

2. Unzip the files and go to the "upload" folder.

3. You need to rename this file:




Then, you need to rename this file:




Then, in that file, you need to complete the following fields:

$config['Database']['dbname'] = 'forum';
Change forum to whatever your database name is.

$config['Database']['technicalemail'] = 'dbmaster@example.com';
Change the email address to your own.

$config['MasterServer']['username'] = 'root';
Change root to the database username

$config['MasterServer']['password'] = '';
Enter the database password inside the '' marks.

All other fields should be left as default, unless your database is on a separate server, in which case this will need changing:

$config['MasterServer']['servername'] = 'localhost';

4. Upload all files to your server/webspace/whatever and browse to yourforumpath.com/core/install/install.php.

5. Enter your customer number and the installation will proceed.

6. Delete the /core/install directory after the installation has finished.

01-24-2016, 02:18 PM
Since I am familiar with the config.php edits, I just went ahead and did them myself as normal.

I did that already. That is what I meant when I talked of the 'SKIP' option being included on the form.

3. You need to rename this file:




This is the only thing I didn't do as of yet. . .

Cheers. . .Might have cracked it with that one.

--------------- Added 1453653120 at 1453653120 ---------------

I did that already. That is what I meant when I talked of the 'SKIP' option being included on the form.

This is the only thing I didn't do as of yet. . .

Cheers. . .Might have cracked it with that one.

Correction: We have a new direction today. .

Warning: file_get_contents(): Filename cannot be empty in ...\install\makeconfig.php on line 245 Error - Could not open frontend config file.

01-24-2016, 06:16 PM
That means the front end config file is either not present, not named correctly, or in the wrong location. It needs to be in the root of your forum folder.

01-24-2016, 08:01 PM
That means the front end config file is either not present, not named correctly, or in the wrong location. It needs to be in the root of your forum folder.

Well thanks for your patience but I have lost mine. ho ho Enough for tonight.

I have done everything that has been suggested here. I have installed 5.1.7 no problem, 5.1.8 and all the way up to 5.1.10 with no problem and all with manual config edits. How great I am.

Now, the first time I meet this auto configure thing and it all goes tits up. . .

What a beautiful thing. . . . How many years now?

I will endeavour to try it again tomorrow when the pain of today and yesterday and the day before has gone. . .

Thanks for the assist but somethings up. . .

Back later. . :D

01-24-2016, 11:19 PM
It works, I have installed hundreds and hundreds of vB5 forums using exactly those instructions.

If you are still struggling it may be worth raising a support ticket and asking for it to be assigned to me. I'll obviously need all your server ftp credentials. Pretty sure we can get it working.

01-25-2016, 11:24 AM
It works, I have installed hundreds and hundreds of vB5 forums using exactly those instructions.

If you are still struggling it may be worth raising a support ticket and asking for it to be assigned to me. I'll obviously need all your server ftp credentials. Pretty sure we can get it working.

I don't doubt you at all and thanks for the offer; I may have to take you up on that.

Interesting development today:

The first problem was

'Warning backend already exists.'

Now, after changing the

3. You need to rename this file:




I get this. . .


'Warning frontend already exists.'

All this is a direct result of a fresh upload, changing the

3. You need to rename this file:




Then navigating to the install folder, opening the first page where it asks for customer number and enter install.

So all in all, we have gone from the backend existing to now front end existing but site still not existing....:D

It certainly makes for a more interesting experience.
Could you send me a link for ticket support please?

01-25-2016, 12:24 PM
Make sure you're actually going to /core/install/install.php rather than just refreshing the page. As refreshing the page will simply reload makeconfig.php. You need to start from scratch at /core/install/install.php. As long as you have both config files renamed and the core config file populated with valid database credentials you should get straight to the install process.

If you need to raise a ticket go here:
You'll need to request that the ticket is sent to me.

01-25-2016, 01:18 PM
I have tried it in 3 different browsers and always ended up in the same position. . .

Before I go for the ticket option, is there anyway to skip the auto configuration page?
I would like to try the config edits manually just as before..

Ta. . .

01-25-2016, 02:53 PM
If you do the config edits correctly, that does skip the makeconfig page.

01-25-2016, 04:00 PM
If you do the config edits correctly, that does skip the makeconfig page.

Mmmmn. That would explain why I didn't see it with 5.1.10 the first time.
Ultra bamboozled now. . .

However, I will persist a little further.

Thanks again...

But still doesn't explain the frontend/backend conundrum.