View Full Version : postfoot

01-15-2016, 05:40 PM

Postfoot is giving me some problems. Postfoot for the site (forum) is 906px however, I need postfoot in PM to be 700px. When I set this in postbit.css, it sets it globally for the forum!

Any way around that?

Thanks in advance

01-15-2016, 06:24 PM
You'll need to ask in the postfoot forum not our here in the main forums.

01-15-2016, 06:37 PM
Sorry, I didn't know there was a postfoot section. Where is it?

01-15-2016, 07:23 PM

Postfoot is giving me some problems. Postfoot for the site (forum) is 906px however, I need postfoot in PM to be 700px. When I set this in postbit.css, it sets it globally for the forum!

Any way around that?

Thanks in advance

You could use a plugin to add the needed CSS only on the private message page. To do so, add a plugin as follows:

Product: vBulletin

Hook Location: parse_templates

Title: Set "postfoot" Width For Private Messages

Execution Order: 5

Plugin PHP Code:

if (THIS_SCRIPT === 'private')
$template_hook['headinclude_css'] .= '<style>.postfoot {width: 700px !important;}</style>';

Plugin is Active: Yes

Then click "Save".

I haven't tested this, so please let me know if this works as desired. :)

01-19-2016, 06:20 PM
This is excellent. Thanks so much for your help with this.