View Full Version : Merging 2 vBulletin user lists

01-02-2016, 12:26 PM
Hello and Happy New Year -

I just recently purchased several domains, 2 of which have a vBulletin Forum (one is running 4.2.2 and the other is running 3.7.2). I am debating about the pros/cons of merging both forums together, creating a link between the 2 sites (with using the same user/iTrader information)...

I guess at this point I'm looking for suggestions or things to consider.

I apologize if this is posted in the wrong spot.


01-02-2016, 02:03 PM
There's pretty much only 1 problem: when you merge posts or threads to another table, the unique identifier will be of a higher value which means the URL's which were previously used on the old forum will no longer work. Also the user table may give problems because there could be users with the same username or email address.

01-23-2016, 12:47 PM
noted - I am thinking at this point, it's probably easier just to blow it up and start over :)