View Full Version : IP address of new users in registration e-mail

James Cridland
11-03-2001, 10:00 PM
f150guy askedI want to have the new users ip address & hostname included in this message. I find this information very helpful when troublesome users insist on re-registering after they have had their posting rights revoked.

I've done this, and you'll find it in the message below (because I can't edit this to add an attachment.)

James Cridland
11-04-2001, 09:32 PM
Here's the hack, as mentioned above...

11-06-2001, 02:29 PM
I only have to modify the template in the default style set correct? I am assuming this only because all new members get the default style first?

James Cridland
11-06-2001, 07:05 PM
I don't use other styles, so I'm not sure, I'm afraid. Maybe someone more knowledgeable can come along and answer this for me.

11-06-2001, 07:41 PM
That's ok, I did it to each style. Only thing I don't quite understand (because I am no php guru) is why there isn't ONE set of templates that the style values are placed into rather than making a template copy for each style. Great Hack tho! Thanks:D

Thomas P
05-01-2002, 11:22 AM
Hi James,

very nice, just 2 lines to edit and works perfect! :)
i used it in v2.2.5.

This should be in vB 3 imho.

Thanks a bunch,

James Cridland
05-01-2002, 06:19 PM
Glad to hear it works okay in 2.2.5 - I'll update the title. :)