View Full Version : New member notify stopped working

12-21-2015, 10:49 AM
Here is the problem

Since set up, I have moderated and have been notified of New Members who sign up. It stopped about a week ago so I go look and see if the settings are OK. Yes they are, but just to make sure, I added another email to be notified and hit save. No go. It will not notify me if a new member has signed up.

Also, I have one forum set up to notify me when new threads and new posts made. That works just fine. I receive a notification of a new post or thread. I use the same email address as in new members notify. I have checked my junk mail to see if it is being flagged but nothing is there.

The only thing I have done is to disable Easy Google Analytics which I recently reactivated then once again disabled. For some reason it slowed down the site and my computer seems to hang up on G.A. so I disabled it.

Any ideas as to the trouble and what to look for?

Oh and I am running 4.2.3