View Full Version : Right Rail link not Clickable ONLY in Forum Main Page ONLY in Google Chrome

10-26-2015, 10:31 AM

ONLY forum main page -

and ONLY in Google Chrome, right rail links like the section "Recent Posts", "Most Popular" are not clickable.

This is seen only in Windows OS and not in mac.
Can any one suggest how to fix this? Thanks.

10-26-2015, 01:53 PM
Seems to be something with the current version of chrome. I clicked your link and everything was clickable, I noted I had a chrome update pending, updated Chrome and the links were no longer clickable.

EDIT: I did notice a few things when I validated the page on w3c. First when you switched from jquery 1.5 to 1.10 you commented out the opening script tag but left the closing one in place and you also have a number of html5 tags in the document but the document is an xhtml 1.0 Transitional document so those tags are invalid and who knows how a browser will deal with them, plus a number of other errors. Do the links work if you view on a default style with no parent?

10-26-2015, 03:29 PM
You have some invalid html on the page. I'd suggest running the page through a validator and fixing the errors and then seeing if it works. (every one of those links has an </font> tag in them for no reason - that isn't the problem, but it just points out that someone isn't being very careful with their html)

10-28-2015, 08:59 AM
Hello Squidsk and Lynne,
Thanks for your pointer. Looks like it was a css related issue and the sidebar ( right rail) css definitions were behind and once when I included z-index the links were clickable.

Thanks once again.

10-28-2015, 09:13 PM
Hello Squidsk and Lynne,
Thanks for your pointer. Looks like it was a css related issue and the sidebar ( right rail) css definitions were behind and once when I included z-index the links were clickable.

Thanks once again.

Dear, i've same problem. Can you tell me detailed how could you do this? Thank you so much

10-30-2015, 07:13 AM
I solved like this;

find sidebar.css file and edit;
#sidebar_container.sidebarleft {

Change with this;

#sidebar_container.sidebarleft {
position: relative;
z-index: 9999;

10-30-2015, 03:57 PM
Hello Erdiyilmaz,

yes I too changed the css similarly and added it in vbulletin.css :

.gsidebarcon {
position: relative;
z-index: 10;

and it fixed the issue for me.