View Full Version : omg please someone help lol

10-09-2015, 03:35 PM

please god, how do u get rid of that dang greyy ness

vbulletin 4.2

--------------- Added 1444414684 at 1444414684 ---------------


10-09-2015, 04:22 PM
try <div class="wysiwyg_block">

10-09-2015, 04:35 PM
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<option style="background-image: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_3.png)" value="3"{vb:raw rate.3}>{vb:rawphrase average}</option>
<option style="background-image: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_2.png)" value="2"{vb:raw rate.2}>{vb:rawphrase bad}</option>
<option style="background-image: url({vb:stylevar imgdir_rating}/rating-15_1.png)" value="1"{vb:raw rate.1}>{vb:rawphrase terrible}</option>
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{vb:raw threadmanagement}


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{vb:rawphrase thread_has_more_than_x_review, {vb:raw vboptions.maxposts}, {vb:link thread, {vb:raw threadinfo}}}

{vb:raw forumrules}


{vb:raw footer}


New Posting Template>New Reply

would it be in there?

or another one i searched in templates for that line u told me to look for and these are the possible options

10-09-2015, 04:54 PM
I believe it's the "editor_toolbar_background" style variable?

10-09-2015, 07:32 PM
what Dave said.. I tend to use css myself for it as there is a bit more to skinning the editor than the vars. At least it is semi skinable now in the vars.. Not to long ago we had to use css exclusively.

If you can't figure it out, let me know and I will create some css for you to stick in additional.css..

10-09-2015, 10:39 PM
I can't figure it out, I have been trying keep messing up the boarder and the buttons, ugh.

I'd appreciate it man.

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thats my additional.css I cant seem to find a way to fix it in their either

10-10-2015, 12:49 AM
I'll do something in the morning.. Thanks for the laugh man.. :)

The coders will get it..

--------------- Added 1444494148 at 1444494148 ---------------

To set the bit you want look in forms after you check 'Hide Variables'. the editor resides in forms so the outside bit is set with that and is global for all forms.

The styling for the text editor itself resides in 'editor' in the vars. You can change the background and other parameters for the bbcode boxes and such there.

In this one I added some css styling to create a hover effect for the input box but most of it is set it those two areas of the vars.


If you Hide Variables when using the vars it is much easier to work with, also remember that you need to uncheck Hide Variables if you do a search as nothing will show if it is checked.

10-10-2015, 04:34 PM
I'll do something in the morning.. Thanks for the laugh man.. :)

The coders will get it..

--------------- Added 1444494148 at 1444494148 ---------------

To set the bit you want look in forms after you check 'Hide Variables'. the editor resides in forms so the outside bit is set with that and is global for all forms.

The styling for the text editor itself resides in 'editor' in the vars. You can change the background and other parameters for the bbcode boxes and such there.

In this one I added some css styling to create a hover effect for the input box but most of it is set it those two areas of the vars.


If you Hide Variables when using the vars it is much easier to work with, also remember that you need to uncheck Hide Variables if you do a search as nothing will show if it is checked.

I somewhat understood what you ment but im sorry. could u like draw me a picture haha

10-11-2015, 11:03 AM
Everything in the gray area is modded in editor. The darker outside part is the forms part.

The best way to figure it out is to change one thing at a time and then refresh the page and find the change in appearance. Copy whatever is there originally and stick it in notepad until you are done so you can set things back if you don't like it or you change something you did not want to.

As I said with forms earlier, It is global and will set stuff for the background and input boxes for account info, polls and such. The editor is just the lighter inside area of the pic I posted.. Keep in mind that forms input BG also sets the editors typing area to it's color. It is the one thing not controlled by "editor" options in the vars for the editor part.

--------------- Added 1444568903 at 1444568903 ---------------

To set the parts you pointed to it would be the forms BG..

10-15-2015, 08:53 PM
Download the FireBug browser addon for firefox, and use Firebug to find the exact CSS to edit. FireBug works wonders with template editing and customizing.