View Full Version : Roaming profiles (difficult)

11-02-2001, 08:53 AM
Hi guys and gals.

Here is the second of my challenges. This time I want to talk about profiles.

I use my website from work and from home. At work obviously I want to spend as much time on there as possible without getting caught. So what I did is devise "office pal" a mode that looks like a word document.

You may be able to see below my regular skin and the office pal skin or

When I have the first skin running, I also have images on, sigs on, avatars on. Basically as rich as I can get it.

When I have the office pal skin on I turn off everything and make it as text based as possible.

So enough of the muttering, what would I like to see ?

I would like to see profiles in the user control panel where I can log in and select profile 1 or 2, depending on where I am.
I want to be able to define each profile so by flicking to profile 2 I click one button then submit rather than dive about trying to change everything.

So how about it ?

11-02-2001, 03:23 PM
you would have to make a new table for that, a few new commands to get that to work