View Full Version : customize my profile button missing

09-04-2015, 11:18 AM

As the title States 'customize my profile' Button missing from the newly installed skin. but its working perfect in default skin.

can anybody help me which template i have to edit to get the button back in the newly installed skin ?

I'm using vB 4.2.3

Thank you

ps: sry posted in wrong section, mods pls move

09-06-2015, 08:04 AM
Well without a link to the site there is no way we can tell you anything at all. I have no idea where that button is located because I do not allow members to edit the template in their account and I'd bet that a lot of other people here do not know off the top of their head where the code is located at. :) So a link to the site and tell us what skin to use if you have more than one enabled.