View Full Version : Single sign-on: splitting up my forum. Two-three subdomains. How?

09-02-2015, 03:42 PM
Hi guys,

My forum, http://milforum.net is growing, not only in size (well not that big with 520k postings/close to 100 subforums), but also expanding scope of focus. All this is good, but in order not to fall into the fog-of-war with a very busy front-page spanning from A to Z in content, I am evaluating if I should try to make a subdomain setup, seperating focus areas on the side of main focus area into subdomains, but with same layout, same signon (automatically for the user).

Will try to explain as simple as possible. My thinking/my wish in the future.
How can I make structure with one main domain and main topics of my forum, and on frontpage, I got a feed from subdomains forums, and when link is clicked, the user are, not having to log into the subdomain, directed to the subdomain and specified forum? It should all be about Milforum, but different main sections on the various domains, but same database.

1. Main forum, main domain:

>> Main landingpage, login + i.e. 3 main forums including various subforums
Wish: main focus area/content of Milforum will be in these forums.

2. Subdomains
>> For other discussions and newspublishing:

exampleA.milforum.net - with 3-4 main forums and x number of subforums.
exampleB.milforum.net - with 3-4 main forums and x number of subforums.

Important if this should do everybody any good:

- Same look/setup layout-wise. Assume easy-fix.
- Single login through the three domains. Very important.
- Preferrably one database I guess, but differentiated use and view/listing per (sub)domain.

I already got two licenses and assume I need one per subdomain.

If any of you understood what I meant, I look forward to your thoughts :)

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... or are there any magic I can do to only show forum ID 1, 2, 3 (with sub-forums) on main portal, and if I stick to current one domain/one database, can I make subfolder milforum.net/example1/ with 100 % same layout (same installation) displays forum-ID 4, 5, 6 (with sub-forums) and maybe another subfolder on the domain milforum.net/example2/ displaying forum-ID 7, 6, 8 (with sub-forums).

Same domain, same database, but not showing everything on main page like today, but with feed, I can show on main page what is going on in folder /example1/ and /example2/ forums?

09-06-2015, 08:21 AM
Ok yeah you would need 3 licenses to run this. In order to have a single login and have it look like the same board across the board and if you are not a PHP programmer you might want to hire one or see if there is some sort of mod here on vb.org that will do that. What you are asking is a HUGE undertaking and there are lots of things to consider that will make it tricky.