View Full Version : Small request for help about ModDropdown hack

Mr. X
11-01-2001, 09:06 PM
This really is a great hack, and it works great on my test forums. But I have a small complaint. I run at 1600x1200, and as you can see with the attatched image, there is too much space between it and the border.

can someone please tell me how to reduce that space, if it is possible of course? Thanks!

Palmer ofShinra
11-02-2001, 06:50 AM
I don't know that hack... but maybe slipping an <align=center tag in there would work?

The dropdown box itself will only ever be as wide as the widest entry in it.

11-04-2001, 02:41 PM
I have another small question about the dropdown option.

It's running perfectly on my site, but only in my main forum and not in my sub forums.

Did I missed something with installing this hack or can somebody make it to work for me and other for the sub forums.

Many thanks in advance.