View Full Version : How do I edit the search results list?

08-16-2015, 11:06 PM
I figure it's somewhere in the search.css but I can't figure out exactly where to do this. Basically, since I have thread prefixes that are images, it's cutting off the actual thread title whenever you do a search with results that contain thread prefixes. Here's an image to show the problem:


I'm looking for a way to fix this - any suggestions are appreciated!

08-17-2015, 12:03 AM
ACP -> Settings -> Options -> "General Settings" -> Turn on "Add Template Name in HTML Comments"

Go back to the search page that you screenshotted above. View source. See which templates you need to edit. Find thread pre-fix and after it, use a line-break <br> or use inline css to fix <div style="float:left !important;">

08-17-2015, 12:21 AM
ACP -> Settings -> Options -> "General Settings" -> Turn on "Add Template Name in HTML Comments"

Go back to the search page that you screenshotted above. View source. See which templates you need to edit. Find thread pre-fix and after it, use a line-break <br> or use inline css to fix <div style="float:left !important;">

That helped a ton in figuring it out. Thanks!