View Full Version : A Strange Problem With Special Characters

08-16-2015, 05:36 PM

I am facing with a strange problem that i can not solve since 1 month. Everything started right after i upgrade my php version from 5.3 to 5.5 for update vbulletin from 4.2.2 to 4.2.3

Problem is some special characters and letters in some different languages (like Russian, Polish etc..) looks not right. Here are few examples:

?„? --> ?
?€? ---> ?
?€˜ --> ?
Ğ?Ğ??€ --> мир
?šwiata --> Świata

My forum charset is ISO-8859-9 because my forum is Turkish. Database collation is latin1_swedish_ci

when i run this query though phpmyadmin SHOW VARIABLES LIKE 'char%' i am getting this result:


Before upgrade vB i have full backed up and after this problem i restored it back but still i have this strange problem. I think something is about php version but i am not sure.

I've created support ticket on vbulletin.com but no one care or answer. I've tried many things but so far no any solution.

I hope someone here could help, thank you in advance.

09-12-2015, 10:41 AM
No one could help me ?

09-12-2015, 10:56 AM
Is it correctly stored in the database and incorrectly displayed on the forum or also stored incorrectly in the database?

02-14-2016, 12:40 PM
Is it correctly stored in the database and incorrectly displayed on the forum or also stored incorrectly in the database?

I've been looking for solution since i created this thread until now, still no way out...

It's incorrect at both side.

This is how it's look on forum:


And this is how it's look on database:


02-16-2016, 01:57 PM
I've solved this problem by converting my db to utf8 but i have small issue with utf8.

Only in dates monts names which containing Turkish characters looks like this:


Rest of is ok, i have this issue only in dates. Any idea why this is happening ?

02-28-2016, 10:56 AM
Charset problem in dates resolved by adding this to functions.php file "$currentlocale = setlocale(LC_TIME,'tr_TR.UTF-8');"

Thanks to everyone who didnt help :))

Bulent Tekcan
10-07-2016, 05:20 AM
Merhaba blue7

Aynı bela benim başımda var, bende Türkçe karakter sorunu yok ama Euro üstten tırnak vs. gibi şeylerde oluyor. Tapatalk ile bakınca copy paste yapılan bazı konular rezalet görünüyor. Aynı durumda php 5.3 te iken sorun yoktu bu salak 4.2.3 davasına geçtik mecbur güncelledik ve başladı. Tam olarak ne yaptınız bana özel mesajla yazarmısınız rica etsem. Çünkü bizde 14 milyona yakın mesj var riskli bir iş.


10-10-2016, 09:36 PM
Merhaba blue7

Aynı bela benim başımda var, bende T?rk?e karakter sorunu yok ama Euro ?stten tırnak vs. gibi şeylerde oluyor. Tapatalk ile bakınca copy paste yapılan bazı konular rezalet g?r?n?yor. Aynı durumda php 5.3 te iken sorun yoktu bu salak 4.2.3 davasına ge?tik mecbur g?ncelledik ve başladı. Tam olarak ne yaptınız bana ?zel mesajla yazarmısınız rica etsem. ??nk? bizde 14 milyona yakın mesj var riskli bir iş.


Please post in English, as per the forum rules. :)