View Full Version : Full compliance with EU cookie law and AdSense, how to achieve it?

07-28-2015, 09:56 AM
If our site is in EU (i.e. owner of the site), we need to have compliance with EU cookie law, but also with AdSense, or other Google services, as described in a letter from Google.

They even made a site http://www.cookiechoices.org/ to "help" us. But, things there aren't very clear. For example, they say that we need to configure our AdSense ads, or other Google services to comply with users choices about cookies.

Links they give should help us in achieving this, but to be honest, I couldn't find very much help on these sites.

I know I need to have special text (I plan on using thread) explaining what cookies are and what cookies my site uses, but what is best way to get users consent to cookies that would really block all cookies from my site?

At the moment I'm testing this site: https://cookie-script.com/demo.html It even enables downloading script, so I can have it on my site. Still didn't test it to know how it actually works.

What about Google's cookies?

If anyone has more experience with this request from EU legislative and Google, please advise me and others from EU who use Google AdSense.

07-28-2015, 10:03 AM
Put the cookie notice in a dismissible notice. Problem solved.

07-28-2015, 10:25 AM
Actually, if you read text on this site: http://www.cookiechoices.org/ you'll see that Google (this site created Google for those who use AdSense, which includes myself) has a bit more complicated requests.

There needs to be text explaining what are cookies and which cookies site uses, with additional info for users of AdSense and Analytics.

But, my biggest problem is thing with integrating this notice with blocking advertising cookies on my site. Please, read that page, for some reason I can't change language to English to c&p you content of this part of text.

Google could block my AdSense ads if I don't comply with its instructions, which I already experienced and don't want to go there again.

John Lester
07-31-2015, 04:54 AM
After briefly reading the page and a link to Google and a link to a "cookie consent kit", it seems to be fairly easy to do.

Read this (and install, it seems pretty straight forward) http://ec.europa.eu/ipg/basics/legal/cookies/index_en.htm#section_5

It should take care of most of your questions once the wizard is complete. Google's policy in a nutshell is "tell people you're using adsense cookies". They don't have any strict requirements or hoops to jump through. https://www.google.com/about/company/user-consent-policy.html

07-31-2015, 08:13 AM
First thing is, at least for me, that installation of CCK isn't that simple. Wizard asks for login credentials, without link where to obtain it (where to register).

Second thing is, AdSense rules state this:

You must use commercially reasonable efforts to disclose clearly, and obtain consent to, any data collection, sharing and usage

In my opinion that doesn't read what you say, but that we need not only tell them that we use cookies (including AdSense and Analytics ones), but get their consent for using them.

If it would be just matter of telling them that we use cookies, that would be easily solved with notice. In notice I would just say them that my site uses cookies, give them link to thread where I explain more about cookies, what cookies my site uses and that would be it.

But, getting consent and if they don't want cookies, I need to block them.

EU Cookies Law requires explicit agreement to receive cookies from sites in many countries, not just implicit.

Solution that can be found here on vborg gives users choice, if they accept cookies, they continue to use our sites. If they don't accept, they are redirected to other sites (Google is used in config file, but we can change redirection as we want). I basically would like to keep users that don't want cookies also.

John Lester
08-02-2015, 04:53 AM
Well I assumed installing CCK was easier then that :D With CCK installed that should cover adsense's requirement about obtaining consent. Basically any cookie consent mod would satisfy adsense, it's the EU that's a little tougher.

Aren't the login credentials yours for the forum/cms/site?

08-02-2015, 10:05 AM
I didn't found any place where CCK (or site behind it) offers registration. It usually is very obvious (you usually have option to login or register).

Anyway, I looked at instructions, it seems it's a excellent kit for someone who's good at programming already. I'm not.

At the moment I use script that offers consent, but users don't have an option to refuse cookies, which is strange in my opinion.

And, to be honest, Google's requirement is much more important to me, than EU's.