View Full Version : ACP Navigation Organization

07-26-2015, 07:59 PM
It would be great if there was a mod that allowed you to easily reorder/sort the navigation for your ACP. Obviously you could go in and manually edit every single XML file to get it how you wanted, but a mod would be nifty. :D

08-06-2015, 03:27 AM
Bump maybe? Anyone have an idea of how to do this so I might work on it?

08-06-2015, 08:18 AM
Are you talking about the menus on the left? If you look at admincp/index.php, the section that starts with comment NAVIGATION FRAME, you'll see it looks for cpnav xml files in includes/xml and parses them to create the menus. Then it sorts the menus and options by display order (an attribute in the xml files). There's a hook before the sort, admin_index_navigation, where you could adjust the display orders if you want. I have no idea what interface you'd use to allow a user to arrange them.

08-06-2015, 10:20 PM
Yes, the menus on the left. I have edited some, but when a new version comes out, overwritten, so some system to get them in an order would be great. I'll keep trying.