View Full Version : Major Additions - Media Gallery (Photos, Audio, YouTUBE)

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07-11-2015, 09:00 PM
Since 2006 I was serving community members with my Free Mods
But as this site will starts operating by the company,
I'm no willing to support them

** File Removed **

Media Gallery
Photos, Audio, YouTUBE

Compatible with vB4.2.3

I'm offering my hard work for free, without even a single copyright line in footer, expecting that some of you will appreciate the time that I spent for coding it and they will donate something.
Demo: http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/media.php

1.- What's this?

Media Gallery it's a simple Gallery mod supporting Photo and Audio uploads and YouTUBE videos. I was looking for a simple Gallery mod for my own use and as I didn't found something meeting my requirements, I coded this mod. By saying "simple" mostly goes to the easy of use, otherwise it has some great features that you can't even find in big Galleries. It's social share ready especially for Facebook using OpenGraph Meta.

Explore it. You'll love it.

2.- Installation

Download the zip file, and unzip it
Upload the content of upload/ folder to your forum directory
CMOD 777 the directories:


From your Admincp import product-mediagallery.xml
If you're using htaccess file for SEO Urls copy the content of htaccess.txt to your .htaccess file
Check and Set Usergroup Permissions
Check and Set General Settings
Add Categories
Moderation is available from ModCP.

PS: For YouTUBE videos the code with tries to fetch the video thumb. Sometimes this action stucks. In this case you can upload your own thumb.

07-12-2015, 02:48 PM
..........More Screenshots...........

07-12-2015, 03:14 PM
This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures?

My other question was , any registered user can upload pictures and videos?

Thank you!

07-12-2015, 03:40 PM
This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures?

My other question was , any registered user can upload pictures and videos?

Thank you!

1.- It can but I don't have added the code. Tomorrow I'll post it. As code is just 4 lines, but it needs an extra setting for the image name/path.

2.- If you set YES in usergroup permissions, then they can.

07-12-2015, 07:58 PM
Very nice ive been looking for a mod to replace vbtube as the coder still hasn't updated youtube api.

Could it be possible when a new video is added it also create a new thread in a forum of my choice?

07-13-2015, 03:31 AM
Might just be me, but do the videos on the demo play for anyone else? Thumbnails not being automatic will suck as well.

Christos, did you build this with the new YouTube API? If yours did then it'll fill a void in the market as I also have a junk copy of vbtube I paid $140 on. Plus I love the way you style your addons to fit with the default vbulletin layout.

07-13-2015, 04:55 AM
Might just be me, but do the videos on the demo play for anyone else? Thumbnails not being automatic will suck as well.

Christos, did you build this with the new YouTube API? If yours did then it'll fill a void in the market as I also have a junk copy of vbtube I paid $140 on. Plus I love the way you style your addons to fit with the default vbulletin layout.

Seems that something is missing in the installation package. I'm checking the files now. Sometimes I'm uploading something to my server from another mod and I forget to cope the file to the distribution folder. eg I seen that the icons on mouseover of thumbs does not work.

Manoel J?nior
07-13-2015, 06:15 PM
I love this. Great! Thanks Nick

07-13-2015, 07:05 PM
Hi Nick, I can use this for sure! I have been wanting something up to date for youtube videos mainly so this is much needed! I am happy to help test for you once I have time later this week to install.

Thanks so much!

Manoel J?nior
07-14-2015, 12:16 AM
Nick, my site is adult and do not use Youtube but sites like:


How do I do?

07-14-2015, 01:13 AM
This mod needs a feature to create new threads in a specific forum when something has been added to the gallery. That would be a nice addition.

07-14-2015, 01:46 AM
If this mod auto populated info from the youtube API as well, things like optional thumbnails, time, title..ect for when you put in the URL or Filename... I think that would make this mod even more desirable.

07-14-2015, 01:57 AM
Also, I am having trouble editing or even deleting approved submissions from the main interface. As far as I can tell that option is missing somewhere on each submitted item page.

Edit: Ok I found the Edit / Delete options buried in the "My Media" pages. Perhaps if those options could also be located in the main page areas and details area that would be nice as well. :)

07-14-2015, 02:00 AM
There is also a square error image over the thumbnail of youtube videos. This square image also shows on the demo page as well.

07-14-2015, 02:17 AM
When you add a youtube video and the script fails to get the image there is no way to reattempt to get that image? Opting to choose the size of the thumbnails for the main page listing would be nice. The massive size they are right now is a bit distracting.

This addon shows promise, but I think it needs a couple extra things to give it that killer app potential.

07-14-2015, 05:34 AM
Media Gallery ver. 1.0.2 released. This version fixes the issue of not displaying the icon on mouseover the thumbs. The fonts directory was missing from the distribution file.

To upgrade:

Dowload version 1.0.2 and unzip it
Upload the folder mediagallery/font/ to mediagallery directory
(Optional) Imprort xml file to update the version number.

07-14-2015, 05:36 AM
This mod needs a feature to create new threads in a specific forum when something has been added to the gallery. That would be a nice addition.

Even if it's not big deal as I've added this feature in other mods, when I coded this mod I had in mind to release something simple. Let's say an advanced Gallery than the one that comes with vBulletin. Maybe in the future. Can't promise anything.

07-14-2015, 05:39 AM
If this mod auto populated info from the youtube API as well, things like optional thumbnails, time, title..ect for when you put in the URL or Filename... I think that would make this mod even more desirable.
As I wrote in my previous reply, this mod is just an advanced Gallery than the one that comes with vBulletin. Nothing more.

07-14-2015, 05:40 AM
There is also a square error image over the thumbnail of youtube videos. This square image also shows on the demo page as well.
Fixed in version 1.0.2. The fonts folder was missing from the distribution package.

07-14-2015, 05:42 AM
When you add a youtube video and the script fails to get the image there is no way to reattempt to get that image? Opting to choose the size of the thumbnails for the main page listing would be nice. The massive size they are right now is a bit distracting.

This addon shows promise, but I think it needs a couple extra things to give it that killer app potential.

You can use bigger thumb size. The design is responsive so the thumb size should be fits to any width.

07-14-2015, 06:05 AM
Then the thumbs don't see to be resizing properly with youtube embeds because even though I have them set at about 320px im getting resizes which seem to be over 450px, or whichever size is default on your test install you have linked.

It's a shame you want to stick with something so simple because there is a place right now for a good Media Gallery because a lot of them are broken because of Youtube's recent API change and the developers are no longer supporting them. This mod could stand on its own and fill the gap that the other media galleries have left.

Perhaps keep this one simple and release a more feature intensive version? Something on par with the Video Directory Remix perhaps.

Just saying is all. Not bashing you at all so please don't take it that way. I just see the potential you have here with this version.

07-14-2015, 06:32 AM
Just saying is all. Not bashing you at all so please don't take it that way. I just see the potential you have here with this version.

No, honestly, I'm not getting it wrong, but I like to make clear some things:

I don't have any free time. I'm working at least 12 hours a day, 365 days of the year. There are no weekend for me, there are no holidays. Since 4 Sep 2004 (so almost 11 years now) the only "day-off" that I had was on 19-26 Oct 2009 when I was hospitalization!!. All other days were working days for me.
I gave up with vBulletin. vBulletin for me is a dead product. The days of Glory for vB coders/designers has been gone.
Instead to keep my mods in my PC I decided to release them for free in the community. I even removed the copyright links. I'm trying to keep the up to date (already released updates for vB 4.2.3), I'm here to fix bugs, but sorry, this is all that I can do.

07-14-2015, 08:10 PM
Quick question. I may have over looked the answer but why dont my thumbs show up for YouTube videos?

Edit: Or how do I add my own thumbnails

07-16-2015, 09:08 AM
Great job!

I have slider, likes and comments is not a function (http://primspinning.ru/media.php)

07-16-2015, 09:15 AM
my only issue right now Nick is that some of the files or at least media.php already exist on my server from the other media app that no longer works in some regards. I would like to keep both. I am sure I can rename the media.php if needed but haven't looked into it yet.

Thanks Nick for your hard work!

07-16-2015, 02:52 PM
just had a quick go on your demo as you said it doesn't add thumbs :( but i cant even find a option to manually add.

great mod and thank you. hopefully when your not so busy auto thumbs will be added :)

07-16-2015, 04:13 PM
just had a quick go on your demo as you said it doesn't add thumbs :( but i cant even find a option to manually add.

great mod and thank you. hopefully when your not so busy auto thumbs will be added :)

Video thumbs work fine:
Just add a video with title "Testing Thumb".

The reason that you and someone else can't see the thumbs is because (like most users) you're in rush to have everything working just after the upload. If you follow the standard steps valid for all vB mods it should works. And the main step is: SETTINGS.

If you go to the mod settings, the last one is:
Server Path to Uploads
Set there the correct server path to ...../mediagallery/photos and everything should works fine.

07-16-2015, 05:05 PM
Main issue I see with this mod currently is the "like" under a user account. If 'One' Media is liked, it's shows "You already liked this" for all other media, thus not allowing additional likes on additional media.

Additionally, the option to choose what is displayed on the side bar (only showing categories and top media is my preference but no idea how this is done). Most of the other options serves no purpose and I highly doubt users will use it, just adds clutter imo.

Otherwise, this MOD is amazing.

Lastly, Admin Option to delete ANY media

07-16-2015, 05:10 PM
Main issue I see with this mod currently is the "like" under a user account. If 'One' Media is liked, it's shows "You already liked this" for all other media, thus not allowing additional likes on additional media.

Additionally, the option to choose what is displayed on the side bar (only showing categories and top media is my preference but no idea how this is done). Most of the other options serves no purpose and I highly doubt users will use it, just adds clutter imo.

Otherwise, this MOD is amazing.

Lastly, Admin Option to delete ANY media

1.- Confirmed. I'll fix it tomorrow.
2.- In the templates you'll see something like:

{vb:raw search_block}
{vb:raw topmedia_block}
{vb:raw statistics_block}

If for example you don't like the statistics block jus remove: {vb:raw statistics_block}

07-16-2015, 05:26 PM
Thanks for the info! worked perfect. I was able to leave only the category, order by, top media, and stats area. Looks much cleaner. Looking forward to the update. The profile tab looks nice by the way. This mod is beyond great and will suit my needs amazingly!

07-16-2015, 08:01 PM
Looks good. I can stop work on mines. Mines was audio only.

07-17-2015, 03:41 AM
Media Gallery 1.0.3 released to fix a bug in Votes. Some members reported as bug that there is no thumb when they're posting a YouTUBE video. This is not a bug but a missing setting. If you go to Media Gallery Settings you'll find at the end an option to set the server path to uploads directory. If you set it correctly then should not be any problem with YouTUBE thumbnails.

To upgrade:

Download and Unzip version 1.0.3
Upload media.php to your installation
(Optional) Import product xml to update the version number.

07-17-2015, 05:29 AM
As I can understand from your posts, most of you are interesting in a Video Gallery (not only YouTUBE). If yes, can you give me your feedback for this mod for IPB?


Demo: http://demo.ipsviet.com/

Just click Like to this post, you don't need to post comments here.

07-17-2015, 09:49 AM
Media Gallery 1.0.3 released to fix a bug in Votes. Some members reported as bug that there is no thumb when they're posting a YouTUBE video. This is not a bug but a missing setting. If you go to Media Gallery Settings you'll find at the end an option to set the server path to uploads directory. If you set it correctly then should not be any problem with YouTUBE thumbnails.

To upgrade:
Download and Unzip version 1.0.3
Upload media.php to your installation
(Optional) Import product xml to update the version number.
Nick, how much would be involved in renaming media.php to something else so I do not have to remove my old media library which also uses the file media.php?

07-17-2015, 12:45 PM
Nick, how much would be involved in renaming media.php to something else so I do not have to remove my old media library which also uses the file media.php?

You need to perform a global search and replace in files:

Also the file .htaccess if you're using it.

07-17-2015, 01:05 PM
"This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures? "(post 3)

1.- It can but I don't have added the code. Tomorrow I'll post it. As code is just 4 lines, but it needs an extra setting for the image name/path.


Have you had time to add the code for pictures watermark? I am about to install and try this nice mod.

Thank you,

07-17-2015, 01:12 PM
"This looks really nice mod, and thank you for releasing to us! Will test it in a few.
Is it possible to add watermark (text/logo) on all uploaded pictures? "(post 3)


Have you had time to add the code for pictures watermark? I am about to install and try this nice mod.

Thank you,

hmmm....... sorry......... I forgot it. I'll try to add it now.

07-17-2015, 01:36 PM
Not sure if I upgraded correctly, but now likes do not process. When I click "I like it" , the area goes blank without processing the like. If I refresh the page, the original amount of like show, and it gives me the option to like again.... repeat. Will try from another browser.

edit* works great on IE.. just seeing the issue on Chrome so far.

07-17-2015, 02:29 PM
Not sure if I upgraded correctly, but now likes do not process. When I click "I like it" , the area goes blank without processing the like. If I refresh the page, the original amount of like show, and it gives me the option to like again.... repeat. Will try from another browser.

edit* works great on IE.. just seeing the issue on Chrome so far.

The only that I changed was the query in PHP code so I don't think that this can cause any browser's error. Maybe try to clear your browser's cache.

07-17-2015, 02:34 PM
Media Gallery ver. 1.0.4 released adding Watermark to Photos.

To upgrade:

Download and Unzip file MediaGallery_1_0_4.zip
Upload media_usercp.php to your installation
Import product-mediagallery.xml
Goto Admincp-> Media Gallery-> General Options and set the values for the last 4 settings. If you don't want to use watermark left the Watermark Filename empty (default).

07-17-2015, 02:39 PM
Thank you! Will install this really soon! Can't wait to test it out.
Appreciate this so much.

07-17-2015, 04:43 PM
The only that I changed was the query in PHP code so I don't think that this can cause any browser's error. Maybe try to clear your browser's cache.

not sure.. I uninstalled, reuploaded the lastest, cleared cache, ...everything. Still the issue. Like system not functioning in Chrome, but perfect in IE.

edit** may be wrong... seems to be performing slightly odd in IE as well. ehhh, maybe I will just try to remove anything associated with the likes systems until it can be sorted.


EDIT AGAIN**** lol
okay, if I give registered users permission to "post in gallery" then they are able to like.... I only noticed this because my admin account can vote without issues... writing what I see as I go.. sorry for all the updates.

07-17-2015, 05:10 PM
not sure.. I uninstalled, reuploaded the lastest, cleared cache, ...everything. Still the issue. Like system not functioning in Chrome, but perfect in IE.

edit** may be wrong... seems to be performing slightly odd in IE as well. ehhh, maybe I will just try to remove anything associated with the likes systems until it can be sorted.


EDIT AGAIN**** lol
okay, if I give registered users permission to "post in gallery" then they are able to like.... I only noticed this because my admin account can vote without issues... writing what I see as I go.. sorry for all the updates.

Happy End :) ..... Meanwhile I tested it with Chrome Version 43.0.2357.134 m and worked fine.

07-17-2015, 06:23 PM
Video thumbs work fine:
Just add a video with title "Testing Thumb".

The reason that you and someone else can't see the thumbs is because (like most users) you're in rush to have everything working just after the upload. If you follow the standard steps valid for all vB mods it should works. And the main step is: SETTINGS.

If you go to the mod settings, the last one is:
Server Path to Uploads
Set there the correct server path to ...../mediagallery/photos and everything should works fine.

I was adding full url didn't understand "The filename (and NOT the full URL) of your YouTUBE video." sorry about that :)

ive changed it to (Just enter youtube id) e.g in https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d4RiUy23e9s ("d4RiUy23e9s" is id)

works perfect thank you :)

07-17-2015, 10:22 PM
I Love it Nick and thanks for the help but I am still having issues.

These images are showing as broken:

5 broken images


07-17-2015, 10:27 PM
Also, Is there any way to edit or remove videos once posted?

07-17-2015, 11:40 PM
Is it possible to make the upload of certain types permission based? Like not having "can post items" a one all? I would like to give them permission to only post YouTube videos, or photos, or mp3 uploads as a selection under "can post items" usergroup. I want to control server space, as well as offer nice incentives to certain usergoups... if this makes sense.

07-17-2015, 11:42 PM
Also, Is there any way to edit or remove videos once posted?

The only one I see is under the "my media" tab. However I do not currently see a way to delete others items, unless you have a mod that allows signing in through a different users account. Although I am curious as to why admins can't even delete others videos. Unless I am missing something as well.

07-18-2015, 04:25 AM
I Love it Nick and thanks for the help but I am still having issues.

These images are showing as broken:

5 broken images


Really I can't understand that "jquery" directory inside the URLs eg /mediagallery/jquery/images/

What are these images? Uploaded images?

07-18-2015, 05:32 AM
Media Gallery ver. 1.0.5 released with an additional feature for Moderators to be able to delete a Photo/Audio/Video when they're in the view media page. There is a Delete button on the right side of the title.

To upgrade:

Download and Unzip MediaGallery_1_0_5.zip
Upload media.php to your installation
Import product-mediagallery.xml

07-18-2015, 05:35 AM
The only one I see is under the "my media" tab. However I do not currently see a way to delete others items, unless you have a mod that allows signing in through a different users account. Although I am curious as to why admins can't even delete others videos. Unless I am missing something as well.

Even if I added this feature in version 1.0.5 the normal procedure is to Approve/Reject when the user posts them. Can't find a reason why (eg) a Photo which has approved to be delete at a later time.

07-18-2015, 05:36 AM
Is it possible to make the upload of certain types permission based? Like not having "can post items" a one all? I would like to give them permission to only post YouTube videos, or photos, or mp3 uploads as a selection under "can post items" usergroup. I want to control server space, as well as offer nice incentives to certain usergoups... if this makes sense.

Everything is possible but this is almost a full day work and I don't have this time available.

07-18-2015, 07:58 AM
Would it be much work to add info of latest uploads to forum blocks?

07-18-2015, 08:03 AM
Would it be much work to add info of latest uploads to forum blocks?

When I'll have time I'll add my Block Generator which automatically builds and adds CMS Widgets and/or Forum Blocks for almost anything you like. Furthure more it can builds standard PHP code to add it in any PHP page (eg vBadvanced).

The problem is the lack of free time.

07-18-2015, 08:12 AM
When I'll have time I'll add my Block Generator which automatically builds and adds CMS Widgets and/or Forum Blocks for almost anything you like. Furthure more it can builds standard PHP code to add it in any PHP page (eg vBadvanced).

The problem is the lack of free time.

np buddy thanks :)

07-18-2015, 05:56 PM
Even if I added this feature in version 1.0.5 the normal procedure is to Approve/Reject when the user posts them. Can't find a reason why (eg) a Photo which has approved to be delete at a later time.

banned users, a mod innapropriately approving one.. etc :)

Also, did you intentionally want the media to stretch the width of a mobile screen? When viewing the gallery on my HTC in both the media page, and profile tab, the images stretch completely down the entire phone, covering the screen. Is there a way to limit the size, or add better mobile responsiveness?

Sorry for all the input lol... I just like the mod alot and want to see it grow even larger hahaha..

yes, I will be donating as well :) :up::up::up::up::up:

07-19-2015, 04:56 PM
Im seeing this in error log not sure how to resolve it

File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/skins, referer: http://mysite/media.php?do=viewmedia&id=13
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=addedit
File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/mediagallery/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css

07-19-2015, 10:19 PM
Testing this right now!

I thing i found, while posting ,at the entering the "keywords" if you try to put 2 words,will not let you !
It only works if i copy and paste "my city" then comma and the next keyword.

07-19-2015, 11:38 PM
Now , regarding the watermark works fine! What will be the code for Bottom Center? BC? or...

If possible later to add pictures in bulk? highlight 10-20 and upload?! possible?


07-21-2015, 01:17 AM
Running vB 4.2.3

firstly thx for the mod. Great stuff!

Cannot seem to get the thumb to show on the Category Page - VIEW (http://www.graynomads.com.au/media.php?do=browse&type=2&userid=1)

I have the path set properly and after I add a video a new image appears in /photos/thumbs but it is the same generic thumb image on all. If I click on the thumb then it does play the correct video or Photo - photo thumbs work fine!

Any help would be appreciated

07-21-2015, 01:45 AM
Running vB 4.2.3

firstly thx for the mod. Great stuff!

Cannot seem to get the showing on the Category Page - VIEW (http://www.graynomads.com.au/media.php?do=browse&type=2&userid=1)

I have the path set properly and after I add a video a new image appears in /photos/thumbs but it is the same generic thumb image on all. If I click on the thumb then it does play the correct video or Photo - photo thumbs work fine!

Any help would be appreciated
Your server path is not right.


You have to make sure your hosting path...for it to work.

07-21-2015, 04:55 AM
I am pretty sure the code for grabbing the youtube thumbnails has broken somewhat in the newer updates. I just tried adding about 15 youtube videos to test this and not one fetched the thumbnail.

Thumbs work just fine for uploading regular images and such. It's only for the Youtube stuff. You also said you can add your own youtube thumbnail but I don't see that option anywhere when I click edit on a youtube addition to the gallery.

07-21-2015, 05:14 AM
I am pretty sure the code for grabbing the youtube thumbnails has broken somewhat in the newer updates. I just tried adding about 15 youtube videos to test this and not one fetched the thumbnail.

Thumbs work just fine for uploading regular images and such. It's only for the Youtube stuff. You also said you can add your own youtube thumbnail but I don't see that option anywhere when I click edit on a youtube addition to the gallery.

Assuming that you've correct the follow 2 values:

YouTUBE id and NOT the full URL in the video that you post
The server path to .../mediagallery/photosit's easy to find if its the mod's error or YouTUBE error. In details:

YouTUBE has some links for retrieving the video's thumb. The URL looks like:

The last is the type of thumb. In this case is Maximum Resolution. Other possible values are:

hqdefault.jpg for High Quality
mqdefault.jpg for Medium Quality ...and...
sddefault.jpg for Standard Definition Most often the last one (even in not so good quality) works:

If you want to use this type, you can change media_usercp.php line 374:

$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/maxresdefault.jpg';

Change to:

$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/sddefault.jpg';

07-21-2015, 10:48 AM
Nick, can you reply to post 58,59? Thanks.

07-21-2015, 11:20 AM
Im seeing this in error log not sure how to resolve it

File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/skins, referer: http://mysite/media.php?do=viewmedia&id=13
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=addedit
File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/mediagallery/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css

Do you have the other media library installed? I'm thinking there is a conflict.

07-21-2015, 12:04 PM
Do you have the other media library installed? I'm thinking there is a conflict.

I have vbtube installed but disabled atm

07-21-2015, 01:01 PM
Testing this right now!

I thing i found, while posting ,at the entering the "keywords" if you try to put 2 words,will not let you !
It only works if i copy and paste "my city" then comma and the next keyword.

The normal for Tags and Keywords is: One word. Anyway try something that most probably will works. Edit Templates:
- mediagallery_search_block
- mediagallery_addedit (2 Times)


width: '90%',
height: 50,
inputName: 's_keywords',
key: ['enter', 'space', 'comma'],
clickRemove: true
{vb:raw addtags}


width: '90%',
height: 50,
inputName: 's_keywords',
key: ['enter', 'comma'],
clickRemove: true
{vb:raw addtags}

Now when user hits spaces will not becomes tag. Tag should be after hitting Enter or Comma.

07-21-2015, 01:02 PM
I have vbtube installed but disabled atm

For me it looks like a mess with SEO rules.

07-21-2015, 01:06 PM
Now , regarding the watermark works fine! What will be the code for Bottom Center? BC? or...

If possible later to add pictures in bulk? highlight 10-20 and upload?! possible?


1.- There is no BC. There is only BL or BR but setting the distance from left border you can do it. I'm not designer but I think that you can set: 50%

2.- No. Because it does not supports Albums. Only in Albums you can add bulk images. Here you must upload one by one and enter a description for each one.

07-21-2015, 08:52 PM
Your server path is not right.


You have to make sure your hosting path...for it to work.

I'm lost - why do you say the server path is not right. Looks good to me :confused:

07-21-2015, 08:52 PM
For me it looks like a mess with SEO rules.

Yeah, these are the rewrite rules for one of the other libraries and this is my issue. I love your mod Nick but do not want to lose the media already posted with the other library and apparently I cannot use both.

## Expires
<ifModule mod_expires.c>
ExpiresActive On
ExpiresDefault "access plus 1 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/html "access plus 1 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/gif "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/jpeg "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType image/png "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/css "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType text/javascript "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType application/javascript "access plus 3456000 seconds"
ExpiresByType application/x-javascript "access plus 3456000 seconds"

## Compression
<ifmodule mod_headers.c>
<ifmodule mod_deflate.c>
AddOutputFilterByType DEFLATE text/html text/css text/xml application/x-javascript
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4 gzip-only-text/html
BrowserMatch ^Mozilla/4\.0[678] no-gzip
BrowserMatch \bMSIE !no-gzip !gzip-only-text/html

## Rewrites
<ifmodule mod_rewrite.c>
RewriteEngine on
Options +FollowSymlinks

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]

# Media Library
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).*/tags$ media.php?do=tags_edit&mid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).*/edit$ media.php?do=details_edit&mid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).*/report$ media.php?do=report&mid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).*/c(\d+)$ media.php?do=comment_edit&cmt=$2 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).*/p(\d+).*$ media.php?do=details&mid=$1&pid=$2 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/m(\d+).* media.php?do=details&mid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/p(\d+).*/edit$ media.php?do=playlist_edit&pid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/p(\d+).* media.php?do=playlist&pid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/c(\d+).* media.php?do=category&cid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/u(\d+).* media.php?do=user&uid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/tag/(.*) media.php?do=tag&tid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/results/(.*) media.php?do=results&query=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/advresults/(.*) media.php?do=advresults&query=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/letter/(.*) media.php?do=letter&query=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/browse.* media.php?do=browse [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/search.* media.php?do=search [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/random.* media.php?do=random [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/submit.* media.php?do=submit [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/tagcloud.* media.php?do=tagcloud [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/playlists.* media.php?do=playlists [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/pcreate.* media.php?do=playlists_create [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/pmine.* media.php?do=playlists_mine [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/favorites.* media.php?do=favorites [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/subscriptions.* media.php?do=subscriptions [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/admin/edit/s(\d+).* media.php?do=admin_host_edit&sid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/admin/delete/s(\d+).* media.php?do=admin_host_delete&sid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/admin/export/s(\d+).* media.php?do=admin_host_export&sid=$1 [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^media/admin/(\w+).* media.php?do=admin_$1 [QSA]

# Media Library from Video Directory
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} do=viewdetails&videoid=(\d+)
RewriteRule ^video\.php$ media.php?do=details&mid=%1
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} viewcategory&categoryid=(\d+)
RewriteRule ^video\.php$ media.php?do=category&cid=%1
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} viewuser&userid=(\d+)
RewriteRule ^video\.php$ media.php?do=user&uid=%1
RewriteCond %{QUERY_STRING} viewtag&tag=(.*)
RewriteRule ^video\.php$ media.php?do=tag&tid=%1
ReWriteRule ^video\.php$ media.php

# Forum
RewriteRule ^threads/.* showthread.php [QSA]
RewriteRule ^forums/.* forumdisplay.php [QSA]
RewriteRule ^members/.* member.php [QSA]
RewriteRule ^blogs/.* blog.php [QSA]
ReWriteRule ^entries/.* entry.php [QSA]

RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -s [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -l [OR]
RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -d
RewriteRule ^.*$ - [NC,L]

RewriteRule ^(?:(.*?)(?:/|$))(.*|$)$ $1.php?r=$2 [QSA]

07-21-2015, 08:58 PM
I am pretty sure the code for grabbing the youtube thumbnails has broken somewhat in the newer updates. I just tried adding about 15 youtube videos to test this and not one fetched the thumbnail.

Thumbs work just fine for uploading regular images and such. It's only for the Youtube stuff. You also said you can add your own youtube thumbnail but I don't see that option anywhere when I click edit on a youtube addition to the gallery.

yep same for me using vB 4.2.3

07-21-2015, 10:49 PM
1.- There is no BC. There is only BL or BR but setting the distance from left border you can do it. I'm not designer but I think that you can set: 50%

2.- No. Because it does not supports Albums. Only in Albums you can add bulk images. Here you must upload one by one and enter a description for each one.
Ok, Thanks for that info!

07-21-2015, 10:53 PM
I'm lost - why do you say the server path is not right. Looks good to me :confused:

Hmm, Not sure but i had the same problem with the video thumbs not generating and i figure out that my server path was wrong ...

I had it like:


It was doubled. Now all works. I am on vb4.2.2 , so not sure if for v4.2.3 if different.

07-22-2015, 02:31 AM
Assuming that you've correct the follow 2 values:

YouTUBE id and NOT the full URL in the video that you post
The server path to .../mediagallery/photosit's easy to find if its the mod's error or YouTUBE error. In details:

YouTUBE has some links for retrieving the video's thumb. The URL looks like:

The last is the type of thumb. In this case is Maximum Resolution. Other possible values are:

hqdefault.jpg for High Quality
mqdefault.jpg for Medium Quality ...and...
sddefault.jpg for Standard Definition Most often the last one (even in not so good quality) works:

If you want to use this type, you can change media_usercp.php line 374:

$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/maxresdefault.jpg';

Change to:

$videourl = 'https://i3.ytimg.com/vi/'.$video.'/sddefault.jpg';

the media_usercp.php seems to be broken. I haven't made any edits but i noticed when you browse to it from the My Media area, the page is just a WHITE page.

07-22-2015, 02:51 AM
Ok i figured out the youtube thumbnail thing and why some are not showing. Not every video I was adding had a Max Res Version.

Perhaps adding into the code some checks to see if an image exists because if a video does not have a Max Res Thumb then the media gallery gets broken.

The three image options that I see that seem to be the best are:






sddefault.jpg did not work on every youtube video either. But 0.jpg always exists as far as I can tell. 0.jpg looks to be a better res anyways than sddefault.

07-22-2015, 04:30 AM
Also, where can i modify each of the gallery bit tables? The current format doesnt allow for titles that are too long as it makes the tables a bit too tall and then it creates big blank spaces in the home listing.

I was thinking about moving it to a Vertical Format or atleast trying to. A vertical list format would atleast allow for better visible organization.

07-22-2015, 07:12 AM
So, I made some changes to the MY MEDIA pages to save some space. Maybe you can adopt it if you like. I also made some changes to the 'containers' based on the info you gave me in the PM. I seperated each line (the title and the 'likes/views/comments line) into their own containers so they don't stretch and pull as easily if the titles get long. I also moved the Active/Hidden/Unapproved line into the thumbnail container to save space and be a bit more prominent on the listing.

https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=152969&stc=1&d=1437556172 https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/attachment.php?attachmentid=152970&stc=1&d=1437556516

07-23-2015, 04:43 AM
So, I made some changes to the MY MEDIA pages to save some space. Maybe you can adopt it if you like. I also made some changes to the 'containers' based on the info you gave me in the PM. I seperated each line (the title and the 'likes/views/comments line) into their own containers so they don't stretch and pull as easily if the titles get long. I also moved the Active/Hidden/Unapproved line into the thumbnail container to save space and be a bit more prominent on the listing.

Send me the changes and I can include them in the official release along with the /0.jpg image for the video thumb.

Thank you

07-23-2015, 12:38 PM
hello nick,

at first really great addon, exactly what i was looking for (i want to use it for an imageboard like pr0gramm or 4++++r) :)

i only have a little problem with the ajax functionality, there seems to be a conflict with another addon or the theme i use (http://www.bluepearl-skins.com/forums/store/product/47-seamuslight-vbulletin-skins/) (for example the top media box and the like button doesn`t work). can you give me a hint where this is included?

i also have another little question. i can edit my own files via media_usercp.php?do=mymedia, but how about editing uploads from others users? in the modcp it seems i can only approve media files.

best regards

07-23-2015, 01:03 PM
hello nick,

at first really great addon, exactly what i was looking for (i want to use it for an imageboard like pr0gramm or 4++++r) :)

i only have a little problem with the ajax functionality, there seems to be a conflict with another addon or the theme i use (http://www.bluepearl-skins.com/forums/store/product/47-seamuslight-vbulletin-skins/) (for example the top media box and the like button doesn`t work). can you give me a hint where this is included?

i also have another little question. i can edit my own files via media_usercp.php?do=mymedia, but how about editing uploads from others users? in the modcp it seems i can only approve media files.

best regards

Hello Oliver,

I need the real URL to check if there is a conflist with jquery. Most probably should be many jquery versions on the same page something that can conflist the system.
If I remember well when approving a post (ModCP) except the radio buttons Approve / Reject there is also a link "Edit". Am I wrong? Other than this you can't Edit a post after approval. The only that you can do after approval is to "Delete" the post.

07-23-2015, 01:25 PM
hi, the links are...

http://www.celebstash.net/community/media.php?styleid=8 and

[edit] the uploads are not moderated so they don't need to me approved, means modcp is always empty.

07-23-2015, 01:44 PM
hi, the links are...

http://www.celebstash.net/community/media.php?styleid=8 and

[edit] the uploads are not moderated so they don't need to me approved, means modcp is always empty.

I registered with FB to be able to check the "Like" button but I'm getting permission errors.

07-23-2015, 02:36 PM
sry, i opened it for guests, not logged in users, but you are an admin now ;)

07-23-2015, 02:51 PM
sry, i opened it for guests, not logged in users, but you are an admin now ;)

I can confirm that Like button does not works in your installation. I seen that there is another refference to jquery 1.7.2 and 1.7.1 used by Slider and Shoutbox even if I can't see anything of them in the page. Most probably they are global at headinclude template.

First try from my template: mediagallery_view_media to remove the line:

<script type="text/javascript" src="mediagallery/jquery/jquery-1.10.2.min.js"></script>

If this does not works put back the code above and remove the other jquery call.

07-23-2015, 03:59 PM
editing the mediagallery templates dind't help, so i checked the other addons and when i deactivate the slider (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=277166), it seems to work fine :)

a little strange, because it is only active in one of the two styles and there only on the forumindex :D

thank you for the great and quick support :up:

07-23-2015, 04:38 PM
editing the mediagallery templates dind't help, so i checked the other addons and when i deactivate the slider (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/showthread.php?t=277166), it seems to work fine :)

a little strange, because it is only active in one of the two styles and there only on the forumindex :D

thank you for the great and quick support :up:

You can add the code that you removed to forumhome template so the slider should be available at forum home page. Now it was on headinclude which is global for everything.

07-24-2015, 01:49 PM
Can Instagram and pinterest be add it to the share block?

Also, i am not sure if is me or... when try to click on a picture/video if you don't click in the center will not go to the next, i would like the users to be able to click any where on that picture and they can be directed to the full picture page and video too.


07-24-2015, 02:03 PM
Can Instagram and pinterest be add it to the share block?

Also, i am not sure if is me or... when try to click on a picture/video if you don't click in the center will not go to the next, i would like the users to be able to click any where on that picture and they can be directed to the full picture page and video too.


1.- For Pinterest you must modify the template: mediagallery_view_media

Search for:

<div class="plusone" title="Share link on Google+">Google+</div>

and below add:

<div class="pinterest" title="Share image on Pinterest" data-media="mediagallery/photos/{vb:raw logo}">Pinterest</div>

2.- I've noticed it. I'll try to fix it.

07-24-2015, 02:23 PM
how about adding PREV and NEXT buttons to the viewmedia-page? :)

07-24-2015, 02:43 PM
how about adding PREV and NEXT buttons to the viewmedia-page? :)

16 Installations means that it's not so popular yet
7 Ratings means that more than half of those who installed it don't like to waste some seconds to rate it, .....but.......
6 pages of questions and requests means that they want from me to waste more time for adding new features
$0 Donations means that nobody respected my time

......... :) :) :) ................

It's just a words game. No bad thoughts at all.

As for your question, is not that a big pain to add this feature. Maybe in the next update when the "Numbers" will be change :)

07-24-2015, 03:12 PM
1.- For Pinterest you must modify the template: mediagallery_view_media

Search for:

<div class="plusone" title="Share link on Google+">Google+</div>

and below add:

<div class="pinterest" title="Share image on Pinterest" data-media="mediagallery/photos/{vb:raw logo}">Pinterest</div>

2.- I've noticed it. I'll try to fix it.

Thanks, will try in little while. Also donated few $ for your time ! Appreciate your hard work! Others should do the same.

07-24-2015, 03:26 PM
Thanks :up:

07-24-2015, 06:08 PM
As for your question, is not that a big pain to add this feature. Maybe in the next update when the "Numbers" will be change :)

i'm sure they will change, hopefully soon :)

at this time i'm too broke to donate, but could help out with a german translation ;)

07-24-2015, 07:00 PM
Im happy donate when BlackxRam pms ya with his changes, checked his site all thumbs added and looks really tidy.

07-24-2015, 08:07 PM
I have vb4 v4.2.3

After i installed this and go to My Profile on the top i get this error
PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'userid' in ..../includes/class_core.php(4730) : eval()'d code on line 43

What can it be and where do i correct it for file...

Thanks in Advance....


07-24-2015, 08:32 PM
Im happy donate when BlackxRam pms ya with his changes, checked his site all thumbs added and looks really tidy.

Sorry, been a bit busy IRL heh. I'll get the template mods sent in here shortly.

07-24-2015, 08:33 PM
I have vb4 v4.2.3

After i installed this and go to My Profile on the top i get this error
PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'userid' in ..../includes/class_core.php(4730) : eval()'d code on line 43

What can it be and where do i correct it for file...

Thanks in Advance....


Based on your error it looks like your PATH is messed up. Just because it shows ..../ as part of the path. That really shouldn't be.

07-24-2015, 10:19 PM
Based on your error it looks like your PATH is messed up. Just because it shows ..../ as part of the path. That really shouldn't be.

Do you know how i can be able to correct it?

07-25-2015, 02:18 AM
Do you know how i can be able to correct it?

to get the absolute server path just upload this file to your directory and check it in the browser.

remove when you don't need it anymore.

07-25-2015, 04:10 AM
Or just go into the maintenance section, view php info. :)

07-25-2015, 04:13 AM
how about adding PREV and NEXT buttons to the viewmedia-page? :)

Finally it's not so easy. Not from the coding side as I already added the code as you can see below. The problem is: Usability. Let me explain. The view media page opens from different sections. eg from browsing category xxxx, from browsing search results etc.

By adding Prev - Next, should ignores are these and it will shows just the previous and next id without any criteria something that will confuse the users. To solve this I must add queries and/or section flags to view media page, something not so easy.

But as I said, I already wrore the code, so you can use the attached media.php. Then in mediagalley_view_media template add anywhere you want to show the links:

<vb:if condition="!empty($prev_link)">
<a href="{vb:raw prev_link}">Previous</a>
<vb:if condition="!empty($next_link)">
<a href="{vb:raw next_link}">Next</a>

07-25-2015, 05:43 AM
thank you, works fine :up:

07-25-2015, 06:26 AM
Im happy donate when BlackxRam pms ya with his changes, checked his site all thumbs added and looks really tidy.

I sent NTG the template changes I did. I am sure they might need some cleaning up as they were hurriedly thrown together lol.

Like this mod guys, click that install button and if you are like me... Nominate it!

07-25-2015, 06:34 AM
thank you, works fine :up:

If you plan to use it, and as the common listing-> View page is the category listing I can modify a bit the code to work like "Prev - Next" on the same category.

07-25-2015, 06:37 AM
I sent NTG the template changes I did. I am sure they might need some cleaning up as they were hurriedly thrown together lol.

Thank you for sharing. By the way I want to ask you something. In a previous post you wrore that 0.jpg is the most common filename to get video thumb, but in your PM you wrote that you're using hddefault.jpg. Finally which filename is the one that works in most cases? I plan to update my code.

07-25-2015, 09:35 AM
If you plan to use it, and as the common listing-> View page is the category listing I can modify a bit the code to work like "Prev - Next" on the same category.

for me it's good as it is now, but if that isn't too much work for you, it even would be better :)

the idea was to skip the latest uploaded pictures one after another without going back to the main site after viewing an image every time. pictures in a single category are not so important.

07-25-2015, 12:34 PM
to get the absolute server path just upload this file to your directory and check it in the browser.

remove when you don't need it anymore.

I know my forum path and it is correct...
I was asking what file do i edit to correct this?

07-25-2015, 12:35 PM
for me it's good as it is now, but if that isn't too much work for you, it even would be better :)

It was just a: AND categoryid=$itemcatid in the query. So, no problem.

07-25-2015, 12:37 PM
I know my forum path and it is correct...
I was asking what file do i edit to correct this?

Is on Admincp-> Media Gallery-> General Options-> Server Path to Uploads (5th from the end)

07-25-2015, 12:51 PM
Is on Admincp-> Media Gallery-> General Options-> Server Path to Uploads (5th from the end)

Yes and that path i put is correct, but why do it still say that error when i go to My Profile TAB?
That error only show when i go to my My Profile...

07-25-2015, 12:54 PM
Yes and that path i put is correct, but why do it still say that error when i go to My Profile TAB?
That error only show when i go to my My Profile...

Have you post your profile? I mean the Erotic section.

07-25-2015, 12:55 PM
Here is a screen shot..

07-25-2015, 01:02 PM
for me it's good as it is now, but if that isn't too much work for you, it even would be better :)

I seen that you've added a textarea in Sharing block but it messes the block. Try this:

<textarea rows=4 cols=42 name="eins">


<textarea style="width:100%; height:50px;" name="eins">

PS: Adjust height to your own requirements.

07-25-2015, 01:05 PM
I seen that you've added a textarea in Sharing block but it messes the block. Try this:

<textarea rows=4 cols=42 name="eins">


<textarea style="width:100%; height:50px;" name="eins">

PS: Adjust height to your own requirements.

And in what file name do i need change that?

07-25-2015, 01:09 PM
And in what file name do i need change that?
This is not for you. It's a Quote to user: @ArcadeSyndicate

07-25-2015, 01:10 PM
Anyway, just to change some textareas size will not take away the error.... i want to take away the error

07-25-2015, 01:11 PM
This is not for you. It's a Quote to user: @ArcadeSyndicate

ok sorry

07-25-2015, 01:12 PM
Here is a screen shot..

Open the file: includes/config.php and at the top, below <?php add:

define('SKIP_ALL_ERRORS', true);

07-25-2015, 01:25 PM
Open the file: includes/config.php and at the top, below <?php add:

define('SKIP_ALL_ERRORS', true);

That did not help, error still show

Here is my server versions
Apache Version 2.2.29
PHP Version 5.5.17
MySQL Version 5.6.23

07-25-2015, 01:36 PM
That did not help, error still show

Here is my server versions
Apache Version 2.2.29
PHP Version 5.5.17
MySQL Version 5.6.23

Can you copy here the first 2 lines of your config.php?

07-25-2015, 01:49 PM
That did not help, error still show

Here is my server versions
Apache Version 2.2.29
PHP Version 5.5.17
MySQL Version 5.6.23

Better to disable the Product Media Gallery, till to find the solution. Now I seen it on my own installation while before was working ok.

07-25-2015, 02:23 PM
Ok well, i like this mod, but i guess need to uninstall it...
Keep up the good work...

07-25-2015, 02:30 PM
Ok well, i like this mod, but i guess need to uninstall it...
Keep up the good work...

Try to import this xml file. It will fixes it.

07-25-2015, 02:35 PM
Media Gallery ver. 1.0.6 released to fix a bug in user profile only for those who are using vB 4.2.3
PHP Warning: Illegal string offset 'userid' in ..../includes/class_core.php(4730) : eval()d code on line 43

To Upgrade
1.- Download ver. 1.0.6
2.- Import product-mediagallery.xml

07-25-2015, 03:31 PM
<textarea style="width:100%; height:50px;" name="eins">

PS: Adjust height to your own requirements.

thanks, i was a little experimenting with boxes and maybe an automatic copy feature 'til guests came to my house and i had no time to finish :D

07-25-2015, 04:29 PM
Try to import this xml file. It will fixes it.

WOW, perfect you did it, now i am happy, thanks alsot....

07-25-2015, 05:03 PM
1.- For Pinterest you must modify the template: mediagallery_view_media

Search for:

<div class="plusone" title="Share link on Google+">Google+</div>

and below add:

<div class="pinterest" title="Share image on Pinterest" data-media="mediagallery/photos/{vb:raw logo}">Pinterest</div>

2.- I've noticed it. I'll try to fix it.

1. Works ,
But, when you try to share it, a picture (see attached) it suppose to pull the picture and posted? is it looks that it posts my global banner into facebook, and others.

A. Other question: How to remove the "upload audio option"? just need the video and images , because of the type of forum i have.

Qustion 2 from above , have you got time to fix it?


07-25-2015, 05:55 PM
I dont get the audio player to function in firefox, the player bar show up and disappear direct...

In safari is good.....

07-25-2015, 07:04 PM
I dont get the audio player to function in firefox, the player bar show up and disappear direct...

In safari is good.....
Works fine for me in firefox v39.0

07-25-2015, 10:18 PM
Working great for me. Thanks for a terrific mod, Nick!

07-26-2015, 06:49 AM
Media Gallery ver. 1.1.0 is now available for download. It has 7 new features based on your comments and suggestion. I would like to Thank BlackxRam (https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/member.php?u=39657) for his useful tips even if I finally used my own solutions. But he deserves the ideas.

Added in post new media form the ability to the user to select the video thumbnail depending on the video quality.
Thumbnail in listings is now full area clickable to view media page
Breadcrumb in View Media page now contains the link to category
Added ability (General Options) to use Prev/Next navigation in View Media page(default No)
Added ability (General Options) to use Prev/Next through all media (default) or through media on the same category.
Added ability (General Options) to disable Audio and/or YouTUBE uploads (this applies to new posts only).
Added Pinterest sharing To Upgrade:

Download ver. 1.1.0 and unzip
Upload media.php and media_usercp.php to your installation
Import product-mediagallery.xml. Please note that if you've manually modified templates these templates will not update. You must revert them before importing the xml file
Goto Media Gallery-> General Options and set the new settings at the end.

07-26-2015, 06:56 AM
1. Works ,
But, when you try to share it, a picture (see attached) it suppose to pull the picture and posted? is it looks that it posts my global banner into facebook, and others.

A. Other question: How to remove the "upload audio option"? just need the video and images , because of the type of forum i have.

Qustion 2 from above , have you got time to fix it?


1.- Fixed in version 1.1.0. Seems that Pinterest needs full URL
2.- Added in General Options in version 1.1.0
3.- Added in version 1.1.0

07-26-2015, 01:05 PM
Is this update done for vb4 versions as well? Yesterday i updated it to 1.0.6 and the xml file corrected my php error... so if i download this version, i will not get any problem?

07-26-2015, 01:25 PM
Is this update done for vb4 versions as well? Yesterday i updated it to 1.0.6 and the xml file corrected my php error... so if i download this version, i will not get any problem?

It's for both 4.2.2 and 4.2.3 and it's incremental file of the file that I released yesterday. So it already contains the latest fix from yesterday.

07-26-2015, 10:40 PM
Anyone that wants to have the same look and feel as the listings do on my Gallery, you can feel free to download and use the templates I made. I attached them to this post for you guys.

It's three template replacements to use. Just find the proper template name and replace the template with the one in the text file.

It will change both the "MY MEDIA" page and the look of the main "MEDIA GALLERY" listings.

You can see examples of those changes here:

07-26-2015, 10:48 PM
1.- Fixed in version 1.1.0. Seems that Pinterest needs full URL
2.- Added in General Options in version 1.1.0
3.- Added in version 1.1.0
Thank you! Will test out soon.

07-27-2015, 07:25 PM
Do you have the other media library installed? I'm thinking there is a conflict.

removed my other media library completely but still getting errors in log :(

File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/skins, referer: http://mysite/media.php?do=viewmedia&id=13
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=addedit
File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/mediagallery/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css

07-28-2015, 06:56 AM
Media Gallery 1.1.1 released to fix a bug that appears in some installation for missing images for jquery.ui.css

To Upgrade:
1.- Download version 1.1.1 and unzip
2.- Upload mediagallery/jquery/images folder to your forum_installation/mediagallery/jquery/

07-28-2015, 07:01 AM
removed my other media library completely but still getting errors in log :(

File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/skins, referer: http://mysite/media.php?do=viewmedia&id=13
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=addedit
File does not exist: /site1/mediagallery/jquery/images, referer: http://mysite/mediagallery/jquery/jquery-ui.min.css

Fixed in version 1.1.1

07-28-2015, 10:50 AM
I'm using 8WayMediaRun Library:

1. Is there a way to import (incorporate) videos from this mod to (with) Media Gallery?
2. Can I add Vimeo videos?

07-28-2015, 12:08 PM
I'm using 8WayMediaRun Library:

1. Is there a way to import (incorporate) videos from this mod to (with) Media Gallery?
2. Can I add Vimeo videos?

Sorry no. This is a simple Media Gallery, there is no import and currently it supports only YouTUBE videos.

07-28-2015, 03:24 PM
Fixed in version 1.1.1

Getting this still buddy

File does not exist: /site1/skins/skin4/top.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00035l/container.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00035l/container.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media_usercp.php?do=addedit

07-28-2015, 03:56 PM
Getting this still buddy

File does not exist: /site1/skins/skin4/top.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media.php
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00035l/container.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
File does not exist: /site1/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00035l/container.css, referer: http://MYSITE/media_usercp.php?do=addedit

As you can see the 4th line comparing with your old error does not exists. Actually I'm wonderting why it was there. Anyway........ This error is with your default style?

07-28-2015, 04:10 PM
As you can see the 4th line comparing with your old error does not exists. Actually I'm wonderting why it was there. Anyway........ This error is with your default style?

Just tested with default style still get error

I added folders /skins/skin4/ to see what its requesting

07-28-2015, 10:52 PM
I got errors and couldnt access the site - htaccess.txt had to be added to access file and all ok :)

BUT ..... I cannot see where I might edit an entry other than mine? I think as admin I should be able to edit all items in the Media Gallery and not just my own

07-29-2015, 03:12 AM
I got errors and couldnt access the site - htaccess.txt had to be added to access file and all ok :)

BUT ..... I cannot see where I might edit an entry other than mine? I think as admin I should be able to edit all items in the Media Gallery and not just my own

No Edit. Just Delete something possible in view media page. Editing is allowed when the Moderators are approving posts (Mod CP).

07-29-2015, 03:15 AM
Just tested with default style still get error

I added folders /skins/skin4/ to see what its requesting

Are you storing CSS Stylesheets as files? If yes, can you turn it to no to check if the error still exists?

07-29-2015, 04:10 AM
Are you storing CSS Stylesheets as files? If yes, can you turn it to no to check if the error still exists?

The Css errors go but I still have that skin/skin4/top.css and them errors when adding media. For some reason turning this option off it broken 3 or my styles, I could see background images of one style but with icons of another not sure what's going on there should I just be able to turn this option on/off without problems?

07-29-2015, 06:04 AM
The Css errors go but I still have that skin/skin4/top.css and them errors when adding media.?

Really don't know why the system is trying to find top.css at skin/skin4/ while my code is:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mediagallery/tabs/top.css">

In anycase try to copy top.css (and the folder images) to that skins directory.

07-29-2015, 02:42 PM
Really don't know why the system is trying to find top.css at skin/skin4/ while my code is:

<link rel="stylesheet" type="text/css" href="mediagallery/tabs/top.css">

In anycase try to copy top.css (and the folder images) to that skins directory.

I see skin/skin4 ya code no idea what it means tho

<script type="text/javascript" src="mediagallery/tabs/skinable_tabs.min.js"></script>
<script type="text/javascript">
effect: 'basic_display',
skin: 'skin4',
position: 'top',
persist_tab: '0'

I just have 2 more errors then they are all gone

clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=mymedia
/clientscript/vbulletin_css/style00040l/container.css, referer: http://mysite/media_usercp.php?do=addedit

07-29-2015, 07:59 PM
No Edit. Just Delete something possible in view media page. Editing is allowed when the Moderators are approving posts (Mod CP).

There are thousands of reasons why as Administrator of any board might want to make changes to the media directory - updating and changing things on the site? Even just correcting bad spelling or grammar on a members upload if you didn't notice it on the moderation. And you cant change categories after initial upload either .....

I'm sorry but being able to edit or delete a members upload after an initial approval is ridiculous.

07-30-2015, 05:19 PM
Is anyone else having issues with permissions??? I want members to VOTE but not POST. But I have to give them posting rights to be able to vote, if I just give access to vote, they cannot vote unless they have access to post.

07-31-2015, 03:11 AM
Is anyone else having issues with permissions??? I want members to VOTE but not POST. But I have to give them posting rights to be able to vote, if I just give access to vote, they cannot vote unless they have access to post.

As I can see in the Usergroup Permissions I've seperate permission for Voting so if you've set it correct and does not works means that I've a bug in my code but I'm out now I can't check the file.

07-31-2015, 12:30 PM
As I can see in the Usergroup Permissions I've seperate permission for Voting so if you've set it correct and does not works means that I've a bug in my code but I'm out now I can't check the file.

I understand, keeping things updated :)

pay day today!!! I'll be donating after work. You have been putting in some great work!

07-31-2015, 12:49 PM
I understand, keeping things updated :)

pay day today!!! I'll be donating after work. You have been putting in some great work!

Thank you. As I seen the code is correct. If someone has permissions to Vote can vote on media items, except:
1.- If he alredey voted
2.- If he is the owner. Here is a common misunderstanding. Item owners are trying to vote their own items but they can't do it and thus they think that voting is not working. Again. You can't vote your own media items.

07-31-2015, 05:16 PM
Is there a simple way to delete videos?

Are Youtube thumbnails posted by user only or pulled from Youtube?


07-31-2015, 07:16 PM
Thank you. As I seen the code is correct. If someone has permissions to Vote can vote on media items, except:
1.- If he alredey voted
2.- If he is the owner. Here is a common misunderstanding. Item owners are trying to vote their own items but they can't do it and thus they think that voting is not working. Again. You can't vote your own media items.

Not my situation at all, however I can understand why you would assume that.

When I set to YES can vote, but NO for can post. This is what happens.

1. Members goes to vote on an item (not their own) clicks "I like it" the counter disappears button stays clicked in". After refreshing page, no vote has been picked up.

When set to YES can vote and YES can post.
No issues with voting at all.

Okay, maybe I will re-upload this and see if that fixes my situation.

Appreciate the response.

Edit* no luck in a reupload and accidently overwrote my damn cool icons! hahaha (didn't save them) sucks ._. lol

08-01-2015, 03:28 AM
1. Members goes to vote on an item (not their own) clicks "I like it" the counter disappears button stays clicked in".
Now it's more clear. First I thought that the "I Like it" doesn't appears. Now I understand that the bug was in the Ajax response and yes, I found a wrong permission there. "Post" instead "Vote". Please upload the attached file and let me know if it works.

Edit* no luck in a reupload and accidently overwrote my damn cool icons! hahaha (didn't save them) sucks ._. lol
Soryyyyyyyyy :)

08-01-2015, 03:31 AM
Is there a simple way to delete videos?
If you mean action by Admin, you can delete any media type from it's "View Page". There is a "Delete" button on the right of the title.

Are Youtube thumbnails posted by user only or pulled from Youtube?

They pulled from YouTUBE. The same for video thumbnails.

08-01-2015, 05:42 PM
Don't forget to vote ;)


08-02-2015, 02:42 PM
one little thing i just found...

when you want to edit your uploads (media_usercp.php?do=mymedia) and have many of them, there is no pagination like on the main page?

08-02-2015, 03:14 PM
one little thing i just found...

when you want to edit your uploads (media_usercp.php?do=mymedia) and have many of them, there is no pagination like on the main page?

At least as I know, vBulletin does not supports pagination in admincp and modcp files. That's why I added that simple counter at the top, at least to get a notification that there are more files to moderate. But sure it can't replace the pagination.

I'll give a try to see if I can add at least my own pagination function, without any promise that it should works.

08-02-2015, 07:00 PM
i don't mean admin or modcp, i'm talking about the page where you can see your own uploads...


08-03-2015, 02:57 AM
i don't mean admin or modcp, i'm talking about the page where you can see your own uploads...


Ok, I'll add pagination there. I thought that normally users don't have a lot of posts so they don't need pagination.

08-03-2015, 04:47 AM
Its taking to much time to upload through ftp :(

08-03-2015, 05:12 AM
Its taking to much time to upload through ftp :(
It depends on your Internet connection, your server, and ofcourse on the type and filesize of the item that you're trying to upload.

eg A photo 2 MB takes more time than an Audio file 2 MB because in audio there is no resizing, cropping, thumbnail creation. Also a bmp image 2 MB takes more time than a jpg image 2 MB.

For me with average resources (internet speed, server hosting plan) works fine.

08-03-2015, 01:41 PM
i don't mean admin or modcp, i'm talking about the page where you can see your own uploads...


As I can see I've pagination there. Is the option "Listing rows" (Default:4) in General Options.
The problem is that I forgot to add the pagination in the template mediagallery_my_media:D

<vb:if condition="$pagenav">
<div style="float:right; margin-top:5px;">{vb:raw pagenav}</div>

Please import the attached xml file. There is no updated php file as the code for pagination already exists.

08-03-2015, 04:20 PM
Now it's more clear. First I thought that the "I Like it" doesn't appears. Now I understand that the bug was in the Ajax response and yes, I found a wrong permission there. "Post" instead "Vote". Please upload the attached file and let me know if it works.

Soryyyyyyyyy :)

You're the man!!! 20 euros sent your way via the donate button above in your post. I'll be continually donating more. I appreciate your efforts. If you ever need someone to help test other things out, let me know. Either way, thanks alot! ...See you come the next donation, you've been added to my "appreciative donations list" lol

08-04-2015, 05:58 AM
Please import the attached xml file. There is no updated php file as the code for pagination already exists.

thank you very much, works fine :up:

08-04-2015, 07:05 AM
20 euros sent your way via the donate button above in your post. I'll be continually donating more.

Thank you very much. Really appreciate your donation.

08-05-2015, 05:20 AM
Giasu Nick, amazing work, when i get the time i will be adding this to my 4.2.3

08-05-2015, 06:28 AM
Giasu Nick, amazing work, when i get the time i will be adding this to my 4.2.3

Giasu :)

08-08-2015, 12:05 PM
It's a great mod, amazing work!

What I want to ask is if you plan to add support for Dailymotion or Veoh videos. Those on Youtube get deleted way sooner and at times certain videos are only found on the other 2 video sharing sites.

If the mod would have at least Dailymotion as a video alternative to Youtube, it would be perfect!

08-08-2015, 12:34 PM
It's a great mod, amazing work!

What I want to ask is if you plan to add support for Dailymotion or Veoh videos. Those on Youtube get deleted way sooner and at times certain videos are only found on the other 2 video sharing sites.

If the mod would have at least Dailymotion as a video alternative to Youtube, it would be perfect!

Without links to those services I can't say anything. I need to check their code. Most probably they'll give the same embed code like YouTUBE.
I'm planing to add more such services and maybe local video uploads.

08-13-2015, 01:17 PM
Hey i've just been looking at this on your site: http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/ozzmodz_classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid=1 is this a place for users to sell stuff? Is there a mod for this.


08-13-2015, 01:39 PM
take a look at the link, it says ozzmodz. too bad http://ozzmodz.com/forum.php isn't availiable at the time.

08-13-2015, 02:54 PM
Hey i've just been looking at this on your site: http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/ozzmodz_classifieds.php?do=viewitem&itemid=1 is this a place for users to sell stuff? Is there a mod for this.


This is one of my mods that I gave to Ozzy47. Sometimes I'm working on them as custom projects, not for public release.

08-13-2015, 09:24 PM
This is one of my mods that I gave to Ozzy47. Sometimes I'm working on them as custom projects, not for public release.



Can you make this mod public? This is a very good mod.

08-18-2015, 10:12 AM
Really great. I removed the other media gallery and am working on this one now. I just have some css to deal with due to my theme mostly.


08-18-2015, 10:14 AM
I am talking about the Top Media box.

08-18-2015, 03:28 PM
Is there a way that you can add a download button? I want people to be able to download the pictures in full size!

08-19-2015, 12:12 AM
Is there a way that you can add a download button? I want people to be able to download the pictures in full size!can't people just right click and save them?

08-19-2015, 04:19 AM
I am talking about the Top Media box.

This is an external css file. mediagallert/tabs/top.css

08-19-2015, 07:10 PM
can't people just right click and save them?

They can do that with the preview picture, but not the full size picture.

09-05-2015, 09:55 AM
I found a small bug, the userprofile pagenation doesn't work and shows the $userid instead of the user's ID - member.php?u=$userid&tab=mediagallery#mediagallery&page=2

10-19-2015, 08:29 PM
I'm trying to use the Youtube feature since there isn't use your own link... but anyways when I add the video it doesn't get the thumbnail so it's broken in the media part.. How do I add my own when this happens or is something wrong on why it's not auto pulling the thumbnail?

10-19-2015, 08:32 PM
What youtube video are you using?

10-20-2015, 04:22 AM
I'm trying to use the Youtube feature since there isn't use your own link... but anyways when I add the video it doesn't get the thumbnail so it's broken in the media part.. How do I add my own when this happens or is something wrong on why it's not auto pulling the thumbnail?

Please be sure that you've the correct file uploaded. Even if I remember that I've updated the zip file, I'm attaching the latest file here to upload it. There was such an issue with some YouTUBE videos but changing the requested thumb type nobody reported any error since that update.

10-20-2015, 04:23 AM
What youtube video are you using?

I'm not using API but just the links that YouTUBE is providing. So any video that works in YouTUBE should also works here.

10-20-2015, 12:13 PM
<a href="http://tron3kgaming.com/test/media.php?" target="_blank">http://tron3kgaming.com/test/media.php?</a>

The one titled Concord was done before trying the file you had posted. It was a new install so I already had it but tried it anyways. The 2 Test titled ones were done after and still isn't pulling any thumbnail..

10-20-2015, 03:10 PM

The one titled Concord was done before trying the file you had posted. It was a new install so I already had it but tried it anyways. The 2 Test titled ones were done after and still isn't pulling any thumbnail..

nice layout :D

10-20-2015, 03:23 PM

Giving this mod a shot, but having a little difficulty.

I get this after any youtube media addition...

Warning: copy([path]/mediagallery/photos/tmp/c0723d9949ec03e5a7bf2557207a99e8.jpg) [function.copy]: failed to open stream: Permission denied in [path]/media_usercp.php on line 384

12-21-2015, 05:18 PM
Nick, can you let me know what I can do (or offer) to have a block for CMPS, or even something under navbar showing the "latest Media"?, the same way it is shown on User Profiles, I'd like a small horizontal block on any other page showing the same info. I am trying to figure it out now myself, will report back with my results.

12-22-2015, 11:32 AM
Can i see it live demo?


01-05-2016, 07:01 AM
thank you

How to disable upload photo there is no option

01-06-2016, 03:36 PM
how to Rewrite url ?

01-08-2016, 10:32 AM
A really nice gallery .

Runs otherwise well , but Youtube videos are not show.

I tried to put the ENTIRE full youtube address .

File Name (and NOT the entire URL) of the YouTube vide

01-08-2016, 12:44 PM
A really nice gallery .

Runs otherwise well , but Youtube videos are not show.

I tried to put the ENTIRE full youtube address .

File Name (and NOT the entire URL) of the YouTube vide

I'm assuming you figured it out??? Enter the filename only v=TDG65HFli
then you would only enter TDG65HFli

On another note, I just realized that views does not account for guest views... and this sucks.. so I gotta get that working correctly as my site is not a member specific site now.

01-09-2016, 08:33 AM

I would like , That the ads do not appear in the gallery . I use different styles of forums, part of the styles displayed ads and part of no .

How I would choose style does not appear in advertisements gallery ?
Forum territories may use the Style menu .

Can THIS gallery to choose the style to what you see?

01-09-2016, 09:28 AM
For purposes of clarification :

I want to use my forum gallery one particular style , with no advertisements.

How do I skip assumption ?

The Forum area will offer menus

Custom Style this forum

Ignore User Style dialog

01-11-2016, 12:20 PM
Is this great looking mod compatible with the vb4 standard mobile style.

01-11-2016, 04:03 PM
Invalid SQL:
SELECT name FROM mediagallery_categories WHERE id= LIMIT 1;

MySQL Error : You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'LIMIT 1' at line 1
Error Number : 1064

this for deleted file or file are not existing

01-12-2016, 10:08 AM
Bad bug.

only own comments can delete permanently.
if admin delete comments, its delete, but its comin again.


01-18-2016, 02:07 PM
how can we add pictures from external link like imagechack?

02-12-2016, 08:56 PM
Does this still work for 4.2.3?

I notice the demo is dead. http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/media.php

02-13-2016, 04:32 AM
Does this still work for 4.2.3?

Yes, it works with 4.2.3

I notice the demo is dead. http://www.teriakis.com/vb423/media.php

Try this link: http://www.teriakis.com/423/media.php

03-10-2016, 04:19 PM

That's an interesting mod but there's a lack of certain features (especially moderation one like mass delete)

It seems that YouTube video thumbs doesn't work ?

EDIT: problem solved. It seems that i had put wrong path "Server Path to Uploads" on Media Gallery Settings. Now it's working perfectly !

Many thanks to the coder and hopefully there will be improvements in the future.

03-10-2016, 09:12 PM
thank you very much for this perfect work
i have a problem
i can't post comments

03-19-2016, 05:23 AM
Yes, it works with 4.2.3

I've been out of the game for a little bit. Nick, before I try it, have you or anyone else created a module for this to work with Vbadvanced? To have newest additions to the gallery show up in the Vbadvanced portal pages?

Manoel J?nior
03-19-2016, 05:11 PM
How do I can upload multiple photos at the same time?

03-26-2016, 06:21 PM
Hello NickTheGreek.
Thank you for the wonderful gallery.
I found unclosed tag - template: 'mediagallery_browse_media'
File in attachment.

Sorry bad anglish.

03-27-2016, 09:15 AM

Can not post comments - when click submit button = nothing!

some help?



04-05-2016, 12:41 PM
Hi guys is there some one that can help me in how to import the old images from the albums in the plugin?
Christos really great plugin. Thanks.

04-05-2016, 02:29 PM
Hi guys is there some one that can help me in how to import the old images from the albums in the plugin?
Christos really great plugin. Thanks.

Thank you. Importing data is not an easy task and is not supporting by this mod. Needs a lot of work to make a script for transfering data and if the thumbs are in different dimensions, needs another script to resize/crop them.

04-05-2016, 03:10 PM
Yes, but it seems that there is a function in Vb to do that.
Going in:
ACP-Attachments-Attachments Storage Type
I have tried to move the files, but the system say me that the web server haven't the read/write permissions.
So I don't know what to do.
Is this a cool way to import in the database the old photos?
And if yes what must be the target folder for the right import?
Thanks for your time.

04-05-2016, 03:23 PM
Yes, but it seems that there is a function in Vb to do that.
Going in:
ACP-Attachments-Attachments Storage Type
I have tried to move the files, but the system say me that the web server haven't the read/write permissions.
So I don't know what to do.
Is this a cool way to import in the database the old photos?
And if yes what must be the target folder for the right import?
Thanks for your time.

My advice is: LET IT. Will not works.
What you wrote above is for the attachments (all attachments, files and images) uploaded with vbeditor. vB stores them in database, and with this option you can store them in filespace.

04-05-2016, 03:58 PM
Wow great. Good to know.. Just in time.... :)
You have reason is another thing. :)
So please Christos, I need to import the images loaded in the native album of Vb of a user, inside your plugin. Do you know where are stored in the db?
Because one moderator of my forum have loaded many good photos of products about my forum that I have to rescue, so I want to import those image in your plugin that is made really well.

04-05-2016, 06:28 PM
still desperately praying for a block I can display under my navbar of recent entries... would complete me :D

04-06-2016, 08:09 AM
still desperately praying for a block I can display under my navbar of recent entries... would complete me :D

Yes great idea.
Better if is it possible to show this bar with the last images loaded with the possibility to decide if show the bar at the top or at the bottom of the home page.

Better if have also the option to show or the last entries or the stream of the last entries in movement.

Christos note also that inside the plugin I disabled the "youtube" and "audio" sections, but are still shown inside the front page of the plugin (on the right column under "Media Type").

04-06-2016, 08:39 AM
Hi guys, I've installed and all is ok apart from when you click on the Youtube video I get this error

The requested URL /media/video//4/first-trains-on-the-williton-loop-2016/ was not found on this server.

Additionally, a 404 Not Found error was encountered while trying to use an ErrorDocument to handle the request.

Any ideas?

04-30-2016, 09:19 AM
Wizzie I see you have 2 slash after "video". ;)

05-09-2016, 06:33 AM
Yes, but how do I remove the one slash?

05-13-2016, 06:36 PM
I am running vB 4.23 Suite.

I am getting an error upon submitting a new youtube video. I know the path is correct.

PHP Warning: copy(/***/***/***/***/mediagallery/photos/tmp/9f587f8c6023f219d7bbb64cc4921db9.jpg): failed to open stream: No such file or directory in ..../media_usercp.php on line 384

Also, when "SEO URLs Active" is set to "Yes". I get this message when the video is selected.
Not Found

The requested URL /forums/media/video//2/above-all---michael-w.-smith/ was not found on this server.

05-15-2016, 10:02 PM
Does ANYBODY have a fix for this?

Is this mod even supported?

05-15-2016, 11:39 PM
Does ANYBODY have a fix for this?

Is this mod even supported?

Yes, this product is marked as supported, and sometimes it takes a developer some time before he/she can attend to reported issues. :)

05-16-2016, 02:12 PM
I understand, I will just deativate it until I get an answer.

06-03-2016, 04:52 AM
From today Support will be available as paid service only in my site.
Bug fixes will be still available here.


06-03-2016, 07:34 AM
Hi. How well does this work with mobile devices? Are you able to upload multiple photos from your device?

06-03-2016, 08:22 AM
Hi. How well does this work with mobile devices? Are you able to upload multiple photos from your device?


Does not works with mobiles at all, as almost all mods that are not using vBulletin threads engine. Even those using threads engine are having many issues.

To work with mobile style needs a new set of templates, not an easy work. Have did this work in the past but it was for custom mods.

But if you're using a responsive template (have seen one in the market) is should works. Single upload.


Techno Cowboy
06-03-2016, 08:56 AM
Installed and testing with vB4.2.4 Beta1...everything seems to be working OK, thus far!

06-07-2016, 05:46 PM
If you make a Horizontal forumhome product for this I would not mind donating. I thought you said you initially had something like this created... pretty much the way it shows on the profile, but on the forumhome.

06-08-2016, 03:31 AM
If you make a Horizontal forumhome product for this I would not mind donating. I thought you said you initially had something like this created... pretty much the way it shows on the profile, but on the forumhome.

Didn't understood what exactly means "Horizontal forumhome product", but if it's not something important (useful to all members), then it can be done only as custom work with fixed price and not as donation.

06-08-2016, 12:18 PM
Didn't understood what exactly means "Horizontal forumhome product", but if it's not something important (useful to all members), then it can be done only as custom work with fixed price and not as donation.

Really? A horizontal block of recent videos? Thought that was pretty lamen, but okay. I am SURE this is useful to members, and most ALL video product has this function for a reason.

My donation would have been no different than the custom work price, as I feel this should be available to all members.


06-08-2016, 01:18 PM
Really? A horizontal block of recent videos

Post it here http://www.iqbulletin.com/forums/7-General-Questions with table prefix "Suggestion".

06-08-2016, 06:04 PM
Post it here http://www.iqbulletin.com/forums/7-General-Questions with table prefix "Suggestion".


06-29-2016, 01:35 PM
Hi Cristos, please I'm having a problem with the "I like it" button.

The problem is that if we click on the button no likes are counted.
Before was working without problem, but now not.
Have you some tips?

Thanks in advance.

08-05-2016, 07:18 AM
is there a reason that you use MyISAM and not InnoDB as SQL tables ?

08-05-2016, 07:41 AM
is there a reason that you use MyISAM and not InnoDB as SQL tables ?

Why to use InnoDB while vBulletin uses MyISAM?

08-05-2016, 06:04 PM
a few things about Media Gallery :
SEO does not work. I have the htaccess.txt in my .htacces and enabled in the settings.
but when i click on a media thumb i went back to my forum.

white page after clicking youtube thumb :

search in your styles for mediagallery_view_media

in this template search for :
<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="{vb:raw vboptions.mediagallery_youtube_width}" height="{vb:raw vboptions.mediagallery_youtube_height}" src="http://www.youtube.com/embed/{vb:raw video}?autoplay=0" frameborder="0"/></iframe>

and change it to :
<iframe id="ytplayer" type="text/html" width="{vb:raw vboptions.mediagallery_youtube_width}" height="{vb:raw vboptions.mediagallery_youtube_height}" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/{vb:raw video}?autoplay=0" frameborder="0"/></iframe>
the changes are marked in red
this change solved the problem with the white page.

when i share a media with facebook i get this under the thumb on facebook :
'); var sidebar_align = 'right'; var content_container_margin = parseint('290px'); var sidebar_width = parseint('270px'); //-->

this apears only on sharing with facebook

08-07-2016, 02:50 PM
Thanks for the mod but youtube thumbnails are not showing up.
I set directories as directed to 777 but what else should I change in order to display thumbnails? thanks again

08-07-2016, 03:09 PM
Thanks for the mod but youtube thumbnails are not showing up.
I set directories as directed to 777 but what else should I change in order to display thumbnails? thanks again

This is a typical YouTUBE link (Share option):


In the example above the filename is: Cx6lUUr1HBM

As for the thumb error, sorry but it comes from YouTUBE. It does not has all sizes available. Please read the early posts in this thread. You can find some solutions there.

08-14-2016, 06:45 PM
This looks class Nick... might sound odd... do you have a vb3 version.. ;)

08-15-2016, 03:39 AM
This looks class Nick... might sound odd... do you have a vb3 version.. ;)

Unfortunatelly not. Have many years to code something for vB3.

08-15-2016, 01:02 PM
ok no worries ;)


08-15-2016, 01:06 PM
ok no worries ;)


To be honest I can't say for sure if vB4 has more installations than vB3, but for sure, vB3 seems to be more active community.

08-17-2016, 06:31 PM
To be honest I can't say for sure if vB4 has more installations than vB3, but for sure, vB3 seems to be more active community.

There are no real good free ones for VB3 thats reason i asked ;)

08-18-2016, 01:40 AM
Nick, will your gallery be able to show up on the main page of the forum? Up top maybe?

Code Geass
11-23-2016, 11:10 AM
I have a question, I'm having problem showing the image in this product.. It shows fine in the main media gallery as a thumb but after I click on it , it shows broken ... But If I click after that on it , it shows fine (Zoomed bigger)

I think it is problem with folder permission for folder "medium" that is not listed to give 777 permission in the readme instruction

"forum/mediagallery/photos/medium" this medium folder I mean for giving it permission 777

Is it okay to give it 777 or not ?


Also is their a possible way to disable the image upload and to keep only video link from youtube ?

====Edit #2===

There is no images created in the "medium" folder !


12-05-2016, 10:47 PM
I have this mod working for the most part: VB4.2.3

I'm running on a SSL, and this is causing browsers to block the script (To play youtube videos), due to mixed content. You can manually override this in your browser that lets the video play, but it forces the viewer to see unsecure warnings. Is there any way to get this to play automatically without the SSL interference?