View Full Version : http://www.revierloewenfans.de

10-31-2001, 04:03 PM
Hi folks,

after registering here i thought it would be a good idea to get some feedback on my site. Okay its a german fansite about an icehockey team playing in germanies highest league but i hope you can give me some hints to improve it even if you do not understand everything. :stupid: :rolleyes:

History of the site:
ezboard => UBB 6 => vb2 (best thing i ever did (on the net ;) ) :D


Best wishes from germany!


PS: Did mention that i am really looking forward for the final release of vbportal 3 ?:eek:

10-31-2001, 05:46 PM
hmm, it has quite the blend of colors, green, red, white. You might think it was christmas :D If you are open to suggestions, I would suggest that red color, that you change it to a lighter green.. Try that, I bet it would look good.
Also I like the logo, its pretty cool :D

10-31-2001, 05:55 PM
Thank you very much for your hint!

But that are the colors of the team. :)



10-31-2001, 06:00 PM
oh, nice save!!! lol
Oh, I see the reason for doing that, well thats a great idea then :D

11-01-2001, 12:57 AM
After the explanation of the colors, I agree that it was a good idea. I was thinking the same thing as Sinecure at first.:p What type of league does that team play in? Hockey is my favorite sport, I'm currently a second year bantam. Starting to play hockey was the best thing I ever did in my life!


11-01-2001, 01:00 AM
:) use those colors but try in different ways

11-01-2001, 07:45 AM
@ apfeifer

The name of the team is "Revier L?wen Oberhausen" if you translate it (roundabout) "District Lions Oberhauen" :) Its playing in germanies highest League => DEL (Deutsche Eishockey Liga = Germany Icehockey League).


I will try to use the colors in different ways

Thank you!


11-01-2001, 01:48 PM
no problem!