View Full Version : Users Awaiting Moderation

07-02-2015, 03:46 PM
I have my forum set to place all registrants into moderation so I can individually screen them. I have a pretty decent number of people registering every day. Is there a way to "accept all" but make those accepted be accepted into the banned member group. What I am currently doing is manually accepting what are obviously good legit members and deleting the sketchy looking ones. What I would like to do is to continue to manually accept the good legit members into the registered members group, but rather than mass delete all others, I want to accept them but have them placed in the banned member group. That way if a good member slips by, I can un-ban him. Any idea how to best accomplish this?

07-02-2015, 04:11 PM
Users --> Prune / Move Users
In "Usergroup" select Users Awaiting Moderation, "Has not logged on for x days" put 1
and press "Find". Than check all users and select "Move" after selecting into what usergroup you like to move them.

07-02-2015, 04:21 PM

07-02-2015, 05:51 PM
your welcome

Just be careful because delete option is so close.

07-02-2015, 06:03 PM
OK thanks!