View Full Version : Truncated posts in vB 4.2.3 new install

Joachim B
06-22-2015, 06:41 AM
I did a new clean install of vBulletin 4.2.3 a day ago, and when I do a new post, only about 20 words are saved and displayed. The rest of the post simply disappear.
If I “edit” the post and add in the missing text and then save it again, it's still truncated.
It still looks ok when clicking preview, but once it's posted it gets truncated.

I’m running PHP 5.6.10 (64MB limit) and MySQL 5.5.42 (utf8_general_ci), I’ve enabled error logs for both the database and the PHP, but they’re empty – nothing reported.

Additional info: if I edit the post, paste text from notepad and save, everything is showing up. But if I make a new post, paste the same text from notepad, it still shows up cut off after about 15 to 20 words... Really weird.

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AdminCP > Language & Phrases > Language Manager > Edit your language.

I changed "Character set" from "ISO-8859-1" to "UTF-8".

However, this is strange since I had "ISO-8859-1" on my previous install on the same domain with exactly the same configuration - and that worked perfectly (vB 4.2.1).

Anyway, if you run into this problem, try the solution above.

06-22-2015, 02:59 PM
Thanks for posting the fix for your problem.