View Full Version : Looking to finally upgrade to VB4

06-05-2015, 06:25 AM
So i am finally looking to upgrade to VB4 from VB3... yeah yeah lol.

My first concern is this. I used to use the VB Geek Article addon for VB3. So, i have many articles that are actually forum threads. When/if i upgrade to VB4 can these forum threads be converted easily to articles in the Vbulletin CMS?

What I mean by that is I have a bunch of former articles that are now forum threads in VB4. But I want to keep these as articles as that is what they really are. I would hate to have to recreate these all over again. We are talking about a few hundred threads that would need to be created as new articles.

Thanks for any and all insight.


06-05-2015, 04:12 PM
In vB4, if you go to a thread, there is a "Promote to Article" button (assuming you have permission to see that button). There are several options when you promote the article - do you want to keep the original thread (in the original forum)? Do you want to move the thread to the comments forum? Do you want to allow comments? Do you want to move all comments (posts) with the thread? etc. I would strongly suggest setting up a test site and doing a test upgrade of the site to vB4 and then playing with the Promote to Article options to see what you want to do with your threads/articles.

06-05-2015, 11:13 PM
Yeah, I currently have VB4 as a forum but I don't have the entire suite. This one question was ultimately deciding whether or not I move into the CMS as well.

Thanks for the information.

Does VB4 not have customizable fields for articles? It's hard to get a itemized feature list on the vb.com website. I have a site that has articles and these articles have pertinent details sectioned on each page. Think of it like a review site that would have things sectioned off in its own table for things like author name, year, category..ect..ect..

I started a demo account on VB.com and I don't see anything like this to add. Is their a custom modification that allows this?

Thanks again for your input Lynne :)

06-06-2015, 01:32 AM
No, vB4 does not have customizable fields for articles. There is an article in the vB4 Articles forum on how to do that, but I haven't tried out the instructions on the most recent version of the software so I have no idea if it still works.

06-06-2015, 07:18 AM
Articles forum? I am sorry but I am unsure where this is located. I would be interested in testing this out. I am surprised there is not something more well known out there for VB4 CMS

06-06-2015, 03:05 PM
The Articles tab is in the upper left hand corner of the page. Here is the specific vB4 one - https://vborg.vbsupport.ru/forumdisplay.php?f=242

06-07-2015, 09:17 AM
I really wish I knew if that mod worked the way I am hoping it does. Or if it even works. I can't see myself buying VB4 or even 5 for that matter on a hope and a prayer.

Basically I need it to have customized fields so i can add separate sections that can be templated into an article. Just like a review site or marketplace site would have things.

That mod looks like it only adds one field to an article as opposed to as many as you need on a per article basis.

It's disappointing. :(