View Full Version : [Solved] Attachment downloads are all .php files

05-29-2015, 10:40 AM
When I only use internet explorer 11, and ι download attachment file that is xxxx.rar the file ends in xxxx.php

Any fix or clue about this?


05-30-2015, 12:23 AM
Talk to your host about this as it's server issue.

05-30-2015, 04:44 PM
Lynne, I spoke with them today, they say that is IE 11 problem and not server issue
I don't know if that is true? Thanks for your respond

05-31-2015, 04:07 PM
I don't know about that as I do not use IE (I'm on a Mac). I do know I have seen this problem before on my own site and it was a server issue that my host was able to take care of.

05-31-2015, 07:38 PM
Test on a different browser to rule out IE

06-01-2015, 05:01 AM
Yes Lynne, but they don't say that its there problem, and I don't know what to tell them to take care for me to.

ForceHSS, tested in all browsers even in IE 9 & 10 no issue, only with 11 and this not only for me, we asked many members that use IE and other that told us.

06-01-2015, 03:40 PM
What do you have set in Attachment Manager > rar > Mime Type & Headers ?

06-01-2015, 03:57 PM
Content-type: application/rar is in the field

06-01-2015, 08:38 PM
According to http://www.freeformatter.com/mime-types-list.html#mime-types-list , it should be:


So, try that and see if you still have the same issue.

06-01-2015, 08:50 PM
I have it as Content-type: application/rar and it works
Can you post a ss of what way you have it set up

06-02-2015, 04:40 AM
Nothing changed, tested.
Sorry I forgot to mention that rar was only as example, this is to .zip .txt
And something else, when I want to save attach image, it saves it as attach.jpg
and not with the original name of image lets say as nice_car.jpg

Don't forget in all other browser is ok, even in 8 - 9 - 10 IE
Tested In three different pc. Actually here in vb.org, no problem for downloading.
This if in your mind that maybe problem of pc.


See in future even in here. to upload images, i dont have this option in IE11

With other browser is ok

To not use IE11 is an option, but when many of my members use it, its difficult
to tell them to change there browsers. Thanks both for your help

06-02-2015, 10:58 AM
Nothing changed, tested.
Sorry I forgot to mention that rar was only as example, this is to .zip .txt
And something else, when I want to save attach image, it saves it as attach.jpg
and not with the original name of image lets say as nice_car.jpg

Don't forget in all other browser is ok, even in 8 - 9 - 10 IE
Tested In three different pc. Actually here in vb.org, no problem for downloading.
This if in your mind that maybe problem of pc.


See in future even in here. to upload images, i dont have this option in IE11

With other browser is ok

To not use IE11 is an option, but when many of my members use it, its difficult
to tell them to change there browsers. Thanks both for your help
The option to upload is down a bit from the main posting area. With IE I see the same as you have in them screenshots but if you scroll down you will have the option to upload attachments

06-03-2015, 06:31 AM
Today I updated in my test forum from vb4.2.0 to 4.2.2
No issue with IE 11, other problems that was the idea to not update yet.

What is the difference and its ok ,don't know, I am stuck though with vb4.2.0

06-03-2015, 03:24 PM
Why are you stuck with 4.2.0? You said it works fine in 4.2.2, so why can't you upgrade to 4.2.2?

06-04-2015, 08:41 AM
Because, I have many problems with errors and with skins to, 3-4 mods don't work.
I am trying to solve all these issues and if all work fine than I will make the update.
Tis is not so easy for me to do and don't have so spare time :)

Thank you all for the help

And after all a crazy thing, cannot uninstall any mod.

The server encountered an internal error or misconfiguration and was unable to complete your request.

This is in error log file
Premature end of script headers: plugin.php referer: my test.forum/admincp/plugin.php? do=productdelete&productid=xxxxxxxxxx

xxxxxxxxx (whatever mod I select to uninstall

This is a big one for me :eek:

08-13-2015, 06:46 PM
This should fix your attachment issue:

As for the site not uninstalling mods... so where does this stand now can you access the admincp at least or what is actually the issue... "just" not uninstalling mods or more?