View Full Version : Best Mobile Solution

05-04-2015, 12:41 PM
I don't like the way vB behaves or looks from my android device. I think it is clumsy.

Anyone out there had a similar opinion and found an alternative? Any suggestions?

Thank you.

05-04-2015, 06:09 PM
I don't like the way vB behaves or looks from my android device. I think it is clumsy.

Do you have some example which according to you is best ?
something you do not like in current mobile design ?

05-05-2015, 12:18 AM
I have no examples as of yet, I am just looking for something extra that may be a popular alternative to what vB as at present.

05-05-2015, 05:10 AM
check xda forums and androidcentral forums, they have heavily customized mobile themes.

05-05-2015, 10:32 AM
What about something such as Tapatalk?

05-05-2015, 02:08 PM
check xda forums and androidcentral forums, they have heavily customized mobile themes.

I will have look.

What about something such as Tapatalk?

I heard only bad things about Tapatalk but the was a while ago and to be honest, I'd forgotten about it.

Cheer all.

05-05-2015, 04:21 PM
Tapatalk works fine on vb4, some people swear by it, but it sucks on VB5.

05-08-2015, 05:01 PM
So it's completely up to vB5 standards ;) SCNR...