View Full Version : Logged in as another user? Edit posts, approving new members, banned

04-11-2015, 11:45 AM
Members have reported being logged in as another user...Login and logout problems as well!

Edit posts, approving new members, banned, all take a while to show or I need to refresh screen to see changes take effect, maybe something to do with cache?

Any help would be appreciated!

04-11-2015, 11:56 AM
Yes, it sounds like there's caching going on somewhere. If you have any kind of caching control in an htaccess file, make sure you're not including php files. Edit: well, now that I think about it that might cause login/logout problems, but wouldn't make it look like a user was logged in as someone else, so it has to be a problem somewhere else.

04-11-2015, 12:04 PM
Also, as i mentioned earlier you have serious problems with your host. Check for mismatched version of your files from Maintenance -> Suspect File Versions

04-11-2015, 12:17 PM
Yes, it sounds like there's caching going on somewhere. If you have any kind of caching control in an htaccess file, make sure you're not including php files. Edit: well, now that I think about it that might cause login/logout problems, but wouldn't make it look like a user was logged in as someone else, so it has to be a problem somewhere else.

Also, as i mentioned earlier you have serious problems with your host. Check for mismatched version of your files from Maintenance -> Suspect File Versions

Thank you gentlemen.

socialteenz good speaking to you again, we will talk later and try to have a nice conversation lol