View Full Version : poll hack mod

09-13-2000, 06:29 PM
is there a way to make a forum THE only forum polls can be created in?

my general forum and other forums are getting over run with crazy polls, is this out there or easy to do?

09-14-2000, 12:40 PM
I haven't added polls yet, but I assume that you could simply remove the "create new poll" link on all of the forums.

Then, in the one forum you want Polls, alter that one template, putting the link for polls on that forum display.

09-14-2000, 12:56 PM
Would that work? I thought the "forumdisplay" template controlled the look and feel of all of them? I think you'd have to alter some of the main code in the forumdisplay.php file to achieve this...

09-14-2000, 01:33 PM
Actually you don't. vBulletin is set up so that each forum can have its own "ForumDisplay" template. For the forum you wish to have polls in do this.

Go into the ForumDisplay Template and copy it to the clipboard.
Create a new template i.e. PollDisplay. Paste the contents of your ForumDisplay template into the new one and save.
Edit both templates to your hearts content.
Modify the forum you want to display polls, in the second section you can specify which templates to use to override the default templates. In the Forum Display box put the name of your new template.

09-14-2000, 01:45 PM
seems a much easier task than i had thought.