View Full Version : CMS Publish by Default

04-09-2015, 05:04 AM
Hey all,

Articles on my site frequently go unpublished because people don't realize that articles are set to "Not Published" by default.

[See attachment]

Can you help me set it to Publish by default?

Here's the code in vbcms_edit_publisher:
<div class="blockrow">
<label class="thirdleft">{vb:rawphrase published}</label>
<div class="twothirdsright">
<ul class="multifield group floatcontainer">
<li><input type="radio" value="0" name="setpublish" id="setpublish0" tabindex="1" <vb:if condition="$setpublish"> checked="checked"</vb:if> /> <label for="setpublish0" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase yes}</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;{vb:stylevar dirmark}</li>
<li><input type="radio" value="1" name="setpublish" id="setpublish1" tabindex="1" <vb:if condition="!$setpublish"> checked="checked"</vb:if> /> <label for="setpublish1" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase no}</label></li>
</div>Thank you for the help. :)

04-10-2015, 10:38 AM
I'm not familiar with that area, but just looking at what you posted, you could do this:
<div class="blockrow">
<label class="thirdleft">{vb:rawphrase published}</label>
<div class="twothirdsright">
<ul class="multifield group floatcontainer">
<li><input type="radio" value="0" name="setpublish" id="setpublish0" tabindex="1" checked="checked" /> <label for="setpublish0" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase yes}</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;{vb:stylevar dirmark}</li>
<li><input type="radio" value="1" name="setpublish" id="setpublish1" tabindex="1" /> <label for="setpublish1" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase no}</label></li>

But that will make "Yes" selected every time, even if "No" was chosen before. I'm not sure that would ever happen, but maybe it does when editing an article? Anyway, to make 'Yes' the default only the first time you'd probably need a plugin (assuming there's a hook location that allows you do change that default).

04-10-2015, 09:17 PM
The code you posted forces "Yes" even if the user wants it unpublished-- so that's no good. I think we're looking at changing something to do with $setpublish. Any hints or help is appreciated...

<li><input type="radio" value="1" name="setpublish" id="setpublish0" tabindex="1" <vb:if condition="$setpublish"> checked="checked"</vb:if> /> <label for="setpublish0" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase yes}</label>&nbsp;&nbsp;{vb:stylevar dirmark}</li>
<li><input type="radio" value="0" name="setpublish" id="setpublish1" tabindex="1" <vb:if condition="! $setpublish"> checked="checked"</vb:if> /> <label for="setpublish1" class="secondary">{vb:rawphrase no}</label></li>

04-13-2015, 05:19 PM
A bump here, could really use this mod.

I went into phpmyadmin, into the table "cms_node" and changed "setpublish" from 0 to 1. That didn't seem to change anything.

Does anyone else have some ideas for me? Thanks a million

05-04-2015, 05:32 AM
bump just in case? <3

05-04-2015, 07:51 AM
Have you tried to add something in RED/BOLD explaining your writers to check the right radio box button ? (just besides the image you posted above as well somewhere near the submit/post button).
That might be handy at present till you find a proper fix ??

Toorak Times
05-07-2015, 11:02 AM
I have used the CMS in a very serious fashion since 4.0.1, now using 4.2.3 beta, www.tooraktimes.com.au, and I do not recommend removing it. It has so many options that are useful and the 'Not Published' is a Draft that only appears to the user and admins.

Using a couple of other mods, Change User Profile and Date and CMS or/and Blog RSS feeds you can also gain a bit more, Login as User is also awesome to check user experience.

I love the Drag and Drop pix also.


Have you tried your User Group settings or permissions? WHATEVER you do don't change much unless you are sure.

05-08-2015, 07:03 AM
I want to keep the Publishing option. I'm looking for a way for the default radio box selection to be set to "Published" instead of "Not Published".

Thanks for your reply.